Ministry Of State-Owned Enterprises' Legal Forum And Forum Ensures The 2022 Legal Summit BUMN Title At The End Of September

JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in collaboration with the BUMN Legal Forum ensures its readiness to organize the 2022 Legal Summit BUMN in Bali at the end of September 2022. As part of this series of activities, a Webinar Road to BUMN Legal Summit 2022 will be held again titled “ Session II: Strategic & Common Issues in State Owned Enterprise (BUMN) ” on Wednesday 7 September.The event, which was aimed at the Legal Personnel in the BUMN and BUMN Subsidiaries, presented resource persons who have good credibility, competence, and experience related to BUMN law."With this webinar, it will provide many benefits for all legal function managers in BUMN and its subsidiaries and can be used to increase knowledge and insight and interaction for SOE legal people and their subsidiaries in improving their competence," said Chairman of the BUMN Legal Forum Puji Haryadi.Puji also added that in this webinar a number of topics related to strategic issues will be put forward as a trigger for discussions for SOE legal people and their subsidiaries, so that they can produce effective and efficient solutions."The latest and latest strategic issues as well as how the management procedures will certainly be an interesting discussion. This webinar also provides an overview of the strategy for developing legal functions within SOEs and BUMN subsidiaries in the future," he added.For this second session of BUMN webinar, two speakers were presented. The first discussion was Deputy President Director of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero), Hambra, with topics “ Management of Holding BUMN (States and Challenges) ”, which discussed the Government's policy of forming a BUMN holding in order to better manage SOEs.As for the second speaker, the Assistant Deputy for Legislation, Ministry of SOEs, Wahyu Setiawan, with topics “ Policy and Regulations regarding BUMN ”, which explores the simplification of SOE regulations that are currently being carried out.Deputy President Director of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero), Hambra, said that the formation of a newly formed Holding company was followed by the distribution of the Holding structure, as well as its role in every subsidiary or subsidiary of the company. Each Holding structure, he continued, has a different special function and characteristics based on the level of engagement, business diversification, and business synergy.As is known, currently there are around 11 SOE Holdings, namely the Pupuk Sector BUMN Holding (Pupuk Indonesia), Holding BUMN Mining Sector (Mind ID), Pharmaceutical Sector BUMN Holding (Biofarma), Semen Sector BUMN Holding (SIG), Insurance and Guarantee SOE Holding (IFG), Tourism Sector BUMN Holding (InJourney), Plantation Sector BUMN Holding (Persantara Plantation), Energy Sector BUMN Holding (Pertamina), Food Sector BUMN Holding (ID FOOD), and Port Sector BUMN merger (Pelindo)."The merger of Pelindo makes it easier to coordinate port management throughout Indonesia. This has a positive impact on Pelindo's contribution to state finances which are calculated in the form of dividends, PNBP, concessions and income taxes. Increased realization of contributions to the state in the first semester of 2022, namely dividends increased 135 percent, concessions increased 13 percent, Pph increased 22 percent, VAT increased 33 percent and PBB increased 23 percent," said Hambra.Meanwhile, Assistant Deputy for Legislation at the Ministry of SOEs, Wahyu Setiawan, in one of his materials conveyed related to the Deregulation and Stipulation Policy of the Regulation of the Minister of SOEs.He gave an example, previously there were 45 policies of the Minister of SOEs, which were divided into 41 Regulations of the Minister of SOEs and 4 Decrees of the Minister of SOEs (regelling), which was planned after Deregulation and Arrangement would be 4 Regulations of the Minister of SOEs.Wahyu added, as a development agent and creator of values, SOEs are required to have a creative and innovative strategy in responding to the development of the business, political and cultural climate that occurs. For this reason, the best talent is needed to occupy the position of SOE management so that it can increase productivity and maintain the sustainability of the company."There is a need for restructuring of SOEs and filling in positions originating from other SOEs so that it is necessary to improve leadership, competence, and challenges for BUMN talents, as well as to open opportunities for young talents to work and maintain the sustainability of their careers within SOEs," he explained.On this occasion, Wahyu submitted a proposal for the Provision of Ranking as an Assessment of the BUMN Health Level. The BUMN health level is considered to use a rating using the rating method. The ranking (rate) to assess the level of BUMN's health is the Corporate rating."The rating or rating can be considered by the GMS/Minister in determining the income of the Board of Directors or the Board of Commissioners/Supervisory Board," he said.The 2022 BUMN Legal Summit will carry the theme < Building Stronger Foundation for Growth” and will be followed by all SOEs Legal Personnel and SOE Subsidiaries. This activity is expected to be a momentum to build a stronger legal foundation for SOEs in supporting the growth and transformation of SOEs.