Social Assistance Disbanded! A Motorcycle Taxi Driver Gets Money, An Angkot Driver Receives Ongkos Subsidy, Do You Agree, Brothers?
JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Finance, Suahasil Nazara, said that the implementation of the distribution of social assistance (bansos) to anticipate the impact of the adjustment of fuel oil prices (BBM) continues to be finalized by the government.
Meanwhile, one of the focuses is social assistance handled by the regional government (Pemda). In his explanation, Suahasil said that this budget must be provided by the regional government with 2 percent of the general transfer fund (DTU), namely general allocation funds (DAU) and profit-sharing funds (DBH).
"The local government support is around IDR 2.17 trillion", he said through a virtual channel during a meeting with ministers and leaders of related institutions on Monday, September 5.
It was stated that this form of distribution of social assistance was designed by the local government itself.
"It can be with existing programs that are already running or new programs, that's all okay", he said.
As an illustration, the representative from Sri Mulyani said that the regional government social assistance could target motorcycle taxi drivers, MSME players, and fishermen.
"The assistance provided can be in the form of certain money or goods", he said.
In addition, the regional government's social assistance can also be optimized for job creation through the implementation of labor-intensive programs in the infrastructure sector.
The local government can involve the community in the form of improving public facilities, such as drainage and markets. Then, improving the environment in the residences of the poor", he said.
Then, other transportation sectors that can be targeted for beneficiaries are city transportation (angkot) drivers operating in the area.
It can also be subsidies for public transportation, such as covering part of the public transport rate so that passengers pay lower. Or providing motor vehicle tax breaks (PKB) for public transportation or yellow plates", he explained.
Furthermore, Suahasil also explained that the distribution process could begin in October 2022 considering that the transfer of the center for DTU (DAU and DBH) was only carried out in that month.
"So this September is the time for local governments to be able to design programs that will be implemented", he explained.