Anticipates Bodong Investment, Chairman Of The MPR Bambang Soesatyo Asks For An Advanced Digital Economy Education

TANGERANG - Chairman of the MPR RI, Bambang Soesatyo, asked all parties to educate the Indonesian people about fraudulent investment fraud modes via digitalization.

The reason is, not only Indonesia but the international community is currently heading towards an era of the digital economy.

"So everything will be digital. Even payments, digital currencies, including trading transactions using what is often called crypto (digital money, ed). Therefore, there must be education to the public," said Bambang Soesatyo, Chairman of the MPR RI to RRI while reviewing and inaugurating PT Cipta Asset Digital in Legok District, Tangerang Regency, September 3.

Bamsoet, as he is familiarly called, stated that the digital factory he inaugurated was very different from other digital investments, which when it was widespread did not even slightly make fraudulent investment modes.

"If this is different, that's what we have to fix and provide education to the public. Don't let them be trapped by the lure of being irresponsible with fraudulent investments, by offering big profits but it turns out that it's just a hallucinations. And now it's the task of crypto players to educate the public," explained Bamsoet.

Indonesia has been, he continued, becoming the world's crypto market. Therefore, Indonesia is no longer just a market, but a player. Moreover, Indonesia has extraordinary resources, with more than 270 million economies continuing to grow.

According to Bamsoet, he welcomed the existence of digital playing or digital mining that was established or inaugurated today.

"The upper middle class is quite good and the millennial or generation is quite large, almost 60 percent, even increasing to 70 percent by 2030-2045. We can't allow it, we just become a market," he added.

Bamsoet added that digital transactions in 2021 almost touched IDR 832 trillion, this exceeded the stock exchange transaction which was only around IDR 332 trillion and investors were quite large compared to the capital market.

"Now it has reached 11 million, while the capital market has only reached 7.2 million. Indeed, these prices are declining, bit coin decreased, bit tree decreased, but I see that in the future it will definitely increase again. Crypto players when buying, bought up the same as stocks," said the Golkar Party politician.

Meanwhile, Executive Director of PT Cipta Asset Digital, Budi Sukandi admitted that his company is playing crypto, mining several aterium coins and is very different from digital scoring or fraudulent investments.

"One of the visions and missions of top management, we want to become leaders, where we also have a mission is to be the largest in the world. Creat employment opportunities and advance the Indonesian economy," he hoped.

Budi Sukandi received a message from the chairman of the MPR RI to continue educating the public regarding the digital economy. So that Indonesia is at the forefront of digital economic technology.

"We will continue to provide education. We educate on the development of technological advances. Because we don't want to be spectators. Because we don't want to be spectators, we want to continue to compete, we want to continue to compete in the country's tigers, we don't want to be left behind," said Budi.