Official Fuel Prices Rise, This Is A New List Of Prices For Pertalite And Pertamax

JAKARTA - The government announced the increase in the price of subsidized fuel from Rp. 7,650.00 per liter to Rp. 10,000/liter; subsidized diesel from Rp. 5,150.00/liter to Rp. 6,800.00/liter; and non-subsidized Pertamax from Rp. 12,500.00/liter to Rp. 14,500.00/liter which has been in effect since Saturday, September 3, 2022, at 14.30 WIB.

President Jokowi delivered the official statement accompanied by Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif, and Minister of State Secretary Pratikno. Indonesian President Joko Widodo said the decision to increase the price of fuel oil (BBM) was the government's last choice.

"This is the government's last choice, namely diverting fuel subsidies so that the prices of several types of fuel that have received subsidies will be adjusted, and some fuel subsidies will be diverted for more targeted assistance," said President Jokowi at a press conference at the Merdeka Palace. Jakarta, Saturday, September 3rd.

"The state's money should be prioritized to provide subsidies to underprivileged communities and currently the government must make decisions in difficult situations," said the President.

The government, according to President Jokowi, has made every effort to protect the people from the turmoil in world oil prices.

"I actually want domestic fuel prices to remain affordable by providing subsidies from the state budget. However, the subsidy budget and fuel compensation in 2022 have increased three times from Rp152.5 trillion to Rp502.4 trillion," said the President.

The value of the fuel subsidy, said President Jokowi, also continues to increase. "And more than 70 percent of subsidies are actually enjoyed by groups of people who can afford it, namely owners of private cars," said the President.

The government has prepared direct cash assistance (BLT) for fuel of Rp12.4 trillion which was given to 20.65 million families who were underprivileged in the amount of Rp150 thousand/month and started to be given in September for 4 months.

The government also prepared a budget of Rp9.6 trillion for 16 million workers with a maximum salary of Rp3.5 million/month in the form of wage subsidy assistance given at Rp600 thousand.

"I have also ordered local governments to use 2 percent of public transfer funds of Rp2.17 trillion for public transportation assistance for online motorcycle taxis and for fishermen," said the President.

The President said that the government is committed that the use of subsidies which are public money must be right on target.

"Subsidi harus lebih menguntungkan masyarakat yang kurang mampu," ungkap Presiden.