Japan Increases Defense Budget, China's Ministry Of Foreign Affairs: Security And Peace Threats In Asia Pacific

JAKARTA - The increase in Japan's defense budget has posed an even greater threat to the Asia Pacific region, Chinese Foreign Ministry officials said.

"Japan has taken steps that are seriously contrary to the words of the peace Constitution," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said.

"Japan is a big threat to peace, security and stability in the Asia-Pacific Region," he continued.

Tokyo is known to significantly increase military budget spending, actively developing missile defense systems and other strategic weapons, increasing military cooperation with the United States.

Zhao stressed that the Land of the Rising Sun must "show respect for neighboring countries, given their security concerns."

"Japan must be diligent in learning from history and following a peaceful path of development," said Zhao.

To note, Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party wants to double defense spending to 2 percent of GDP, reports Reuters. Currently, annual defense spending has been limited to about 1 percent of GDP.

If realized, the increase will make Japan's military budget the third-largest in the world.