Parents Must Know, Here's How To Teach Responsibility To Youth

YOGYAKARTA Teaching responsibilities to children who are getting more and more independent day by day is not easy. Responsibility can be taught by training children to obey social rules, keep agreements and promises, and have personal decisions. Sometimes, teenagers who start exploring in search of identity, respond by breaking the rules.

It should be understood that no human being is 'free'. Each choice comes with consequences, which are sometimes unexpected and even unwanted. When the consequences are good it will be welcomed, but bad decisions often lead to regret.

Well, when your teens say It's not my fault, I also don't want this to happen, meaning the lack of ignorance. From these conditions, suggests Carl Pic mulai, Ph.D., a psychologist and private counseling who practices at Austin, parents need to equip their children on how to behave responsibly. He added, as reported by Psychology Today, Tuesday, August 30, acting responsibly means dealing with unexpected results from your choice.

There is a system of society that covers life, such as government, education, work, and law. In all aspects of the community system, everyone is bound by many rules and boundaries. That is, being responsible is a way to obey and be able to coexist in social environments. For that, teach about how children obey the rules.

Commitment is contractual and intended to be kept. In a relationship between humans, commitment is an informal contract that makes it possible to trust each other. In that trust, although there is no guarantee but an agreement will be recorded. Well, to teach teenagers to commit, tell them to be someone they rely on. At least, they didn't violate the agreed promise.

Teaching responsibilities, according to Pic control's explanation, is to make independent children more empowered.