Couple in Jambi Arrested During Crystal Methamphetamine Party

JAMBI - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Jambi Province arrested a married couple along with two other non-married couples who were partying with methamphetamine in one of the perpetrators' homes.

"The six perpetrators were in Kampung Nelayan Village, Tungkal Ilir District, West Tanjungjabung Regency, Jambi with evidence of 1.8 grams of methamphetamine and the suction device", said Jambi BNN head, Dewa Artha, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, August 29.

The team was arrested after receiving reports from residents about a married couple with the initials Man and Mar with their friends having a drug party at a special camp provided for consuming drugs.

"After being raided, finally a husband and wife couple and two other non-married couples were arrested while consuming methamphetamine and their urine results were positive for methamphetamine", he said.

The arrests were made by the Jambi BNN eradication team at the location of Sentral Street, RT 005, Kampung Nelayan Village, Tungkal Ilir District, West Tanjungjabung Regency, Jambi.

Six suspects were arrested with the initials Man and Mar, a husband and wife couple. Meanwhile, Ris, Soh, Nan and Her are not husband and wife.

From the location of the arrest, BNN officers found two small packets of suspected methamphetamine weighing 1.8 grams, including a methamphetamine suction device.