16 Villages In Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan Submerged By Floods

KAPUAS HULU - The overflowing water of the Kapuas River, which has occurred since Wednesday (24/8), has submerged 16 villages in six sub-districts in Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan.

Flooding in Kapuas Hulu is the second incident during August 2022. Based on data from the Kapuas Hulu Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Friday (26/8) night, as many as 2,080 people were affected by flooding.

"This is the second flood in August, we urge the public to stay alert," said Head of BPBD Kapuas Hulu Gunawan to ANTARA, Friday, August 26.

The 16 villages that were inundated by the flood, in Putussibau Selatan Subdistrict, flooded the villages of Tanjung Lokang Village, Bungan, Kareho, Beringin Jaya, Kedamin Hilir Village, Suka Maju, and Ingko Tambe Village.

In Bunut Hulu Sub-district, floods inundated Temuyuk Village and Nanga Semangut Village. In Boyan Tanjung Sub-district, floods inundated Karya Maju Village.

Meanwhile, in Pengkadan Sub-district, it occurred in Jajang Village, in Kalis Sub-district, the Nanga Kalis Village and Nanga Raun Village and North Putussibau Sub-district, floods submerged the Hilir Kantor Sub-district, Sambus Village and Putussibau Township.

Gunawan said that this August, the rainfall in Kapuas Hulu was quite high, accompanied by strong winds and lightning. Floods have occurred twice in a month.

This condition caused the Kapuas river to overflow and a number of rivers in several sub-districts also overflowed.

So far, 364 houses have been submerged and 2,080 Kapuas Hulu residents have been affected by flooding. "The water depth varies, especially in the lowlands ranging from 50 centimeters to more than one meter, but there are some villages that have gradually receded," he said.

According to him, the Kapuas Hulu BPBD joint team has monitored and assisted in the evacuation of residents who were trapped in the flood on the way.

He appealed to the public to always be alert and alert to natural disasters, considering that the current weather conditions are erratic and quite extreme.

"I also ask the sub-districts and villages to always submit reports on the development of disasters and events in their respective areas, to determine the next steps, especially if there is an emergency," said Gunawan.

During August 2022, Kapuas Hulu has been hit by floods twice. The previous flood was on August 5-6 2022, which resulted in the death of two Kapuas Hulu residents.

Floods occurred again on Wednesday (24/8), until Friday (26/8) night, flood conditions still submerged a number of areas in Kapuas Hulu.