The Case Of Bribery Of PEN Funds, Muna Regent's Brother Will Be Tried Soon

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) handed over evidence and two suspects in the alleged bribery case of filing for the National Economic Recovery Fund (PEN) for East Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra), to prosecution.

Two suspects, namely the Head of the Muna Regency Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency, Southeast Sulawesi Sukarman Loke (SL) and La Ode Muhammad Rusdianto Emba (LMRE) as an entrepreneur who is also the younger brother of Muna Regent La Ode Muhammad Rusman Emba.

"Today, phase II (submission of suspects and evidence) has been completed for suspects SL and LMRE from the investigative team to the prosecutor team because all formal and material documents for the investigation are declared complete," said Head of the KPK News Section, Ali Fikri at the KPK building. , Jakarta, Thursday, August 25.

The detention of the two is currently under the authority of the prosecutor team and each will be detained for the next 20 days, starting from August 25, 2022 to September 13, 2022.

Suspect SL was detained at the KPK Detention Center in Lot C1 and LMRE at the KPK Detention Center at Pomdam Jaya Guntur.

"Within 14 working days, the case file and the indictment will be immediately transferred to the Corruption Court," said Ali.

Previously, the KPK named three suspects in the case, namely the inactive East Kolaka Regent Andi Merya Nur (AMN), the former Director General of Regional Finance at the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) Mochamad Ardian Noervianto (MAN), and the Head of the Muna La Ode Regency Environment Agency M Syukur. Akbar (LMSA).

In the construction of the case, the KPK explained that LMRE as one of the local entrepreneurs in Southeast Sulawesi is known to have many connections with various parties, including several officials at both the regional and central government levels.

Next, AMN asked for LMRE's assistance to help arrange the application for the East Kolaka Regency PEN fund in 2021 with a proposal of Rp350 billion because it believes in the connections that LMRE has.

The KPK suspects that there is an agreement between LMRE and AMN in which if the PEN funds amounting to Rp350 billion are later disbursed, then LMRE will get several work projects in East Kolaka Regency with a value of tens of billions.

For the process of proposing the PEN funds, LMRE is suspected of collaborating with SL, who at that time served as the Head of the Human Resources Development and Personnel Agency of Muna Regency, who is also known to have many relationships in the central government, one of which is the Ministry of Home Affairs.

In a meeting in Kendari, LMRE and SL then conveyed to AMN that the proposal for the PEN fund can proceed according to plan, it requires some money to be given to one of the officials at the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The official at the Ministry of Home Affairs who has the authority to participate in facilitating the process of applying for PEN funds is MAN.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that based on information from SL, those who had close ties with MAN were LMSA who were classmates at the Domestic Government High School (STPDN).

The KPK suspects that LMRE and SL assisted in several meeting agendas between AMN and MAN in Jakarta in accordance with LMSA information.

In the meeting, MAN asked AMN for a sum of money in the amount of around Rp. 2 billion and was approved by AMN. For the process of giving money to MAN, AMN fully trusts LMRE and SL with delivery via bank account transfer and cash.

AMN, through LMRE, is suspected of giving money in the amount of around Rp. 750 million to SL and LMSA because they helped facilitate the process of proposing PEN funds.