Goods Lift Falls From 4th Floor, 1 Gordein Store Employee Dies, 1 Other Critically

JAKARTA - Dede Hendri (24) a Lotus Decor shop employee was found dead when the elevator at the shop where he worked fell. The incident occurred at the Lotus Decor store, Jalan Pintu Air, Pasar Baru, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta. Dede's life could not be saved even though he was taken to the nearest hospital. While Hendro Setyadi (36), the other victims are still being treated. Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin explained that the incident occurred on Wednesday, August 24, the night. "There are two employees in a shop selling curtains, when two employees are about to move goods in the form of a roll of cloth from the 4th floor to the 1st floor, as soon as they enter the elevator, not long after that the lift fell from the 4th floor to the first floor. 1," said Kombes Komarudin to reporters, Thursday, August 25. It is suspected that the elevator fell because the lift cable was broken. He confirmed that the two victims, who were employees of the shop, had been rushed to the hospital. "It is suspected that the lift cable (sling cable) was cut off. Two people were rushed to the hospital. One of them died in the hospital," he said.

From the results of the temporary examination of Hendri's body, the victim suffered a collision which caused internal injuries. In addition, his pulse pressure is also low. "In the meantime, it is suspected that there were internal injuries. According to the doctor's statement, it was the result of internal injuries, including a very low pulse pressure. That's the cause. To find out the exact cause of the incident, his party has conducted an examination of the shop owner. From the results of the temporary inspection it was found that the elevator had been serviced a few months ago. "To find out the cause of the lift falling off, we have carried out an inspection with the shop owner, which, based on his confession, was last serviced in March," he said. The investigators also opened the opportunity to examine a third party, namely the vendor who handled the elevator maintenance. "Yes, that's why later we will also check with third parties. We will ask Labfor for help to check the cause of the cable break," he said. It wants to investigate further the cause of the fall of the elevator. "Later we can find out who is the result of negligence. Is it due to the fact that the elevator is outdated or maybe the maintenance is not in accordance with the provisions or maybe there is negligence from the elevator user. We will explore this further later," he said. Investigators will also involve a forensic laboratory to find out in detail the cause of the elevator crash and the death toll.