All Schools Are Open Again, This Is Nadiem's Message For Teachers And Parents

JAKARTA - The Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), Nadiem Makarim, said there are a number of things that teachers and parents need to pay attention to after face-to-face learning is allowed in all zoning in January 2021.

Things to pay attention to, among others, should not be any activities that cause crowds such as eating in the canteen, extracurricular activities, or sports activities.

Then, children who come to school are only allowed to enter class, study, and must go home immediately after learning activities are completed.

"No crowding activities are allowed, meaning the canteen is not allowed to operate, sports and extracurricular activities are not allowed to be carried out. So, children can only go to study and then go home. This must be emphasized," Nadiem said in an online press conference broadcast. on the Ministry of Education and Culture's YouTube account, Friday, November 20.

Then, parents also cannot wait for their children at school. "Parents should not wait for students at school, taking breaks outside of class, meeting parents and students is not allowed," he added.

Nadiem also emphasized that the number of students attending one class must also be limited to 50 percent. He then gave an example, for the level of Early Childhood Education (PAUD), only five children are allowed in one class, from the usual number of 15. Meanwhile, for primary and secondary schools, only 18 out of 36 children are allowed.

"Meanwhile, for SLB schools that have been allowed to study face-to-face, only five students from the usual standard of eight children," he said.

Furthermore, he also reminded the students and teachers who attended that they had to comply with health protocols for preventing COVID-19 such as wearing masks, washing hands with soap, and maintaining distance. In addition, those who attend school must be in good health. "Because they will meet if they learn face-to-face at school with other students and teachers," he explained.

Previously, Nadiem had given permission for local governments to open schools or carry out face-to-face learning activities starting January 2021. The opening of these schools was no longer based on zoning for the spread of COVID-19 as he had previously conveyed.

"The big difference with the previous SKB, the risk zoning map no longer determines the granting of face-to-face learning permits but the local government determines it, so it can select areas in a more detailed way," said Nadiem in an online press conference broadcast on the YouTube account of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. Friday, November 20.

"This policy applies from the even semester of the 2020-2021 school year. It will be January 2021," he added.

With the time lag for face-to-face learning, Nadiem hopes that local governments and schools can prepare themselves. "If you want to meet face to face, you must immediately increase your readiness to implement this from now until the end of the year," he said.