Acting Governor Of West Papua Inaugurates 3 Regional Heads Chosen By The Minister Of Home Affairs

MANOKWARI - Three acting regional heads appointed by the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian officially carried out their duties as Mayor of Sorong, Regent of Sorong, and Regent of Maybrat.

The three were sworn in by the Acting Governor of West Papua Paulus Waterpauw, in Manokwari, Tuesday, August 23.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs number 131.92-5119, Yan Piet Mosso, who served as Head of the West Papua Province One Stop Integrated Services and Investment Service, was assigned as the Acting Regent of Sorong, replacing the pair Johny Kamuru and Sukoharjono.

Then, the Minister of Home Affairs Decree number 131.92-5120 assigned the Head of the Industry and Trade Office of West Papua Province George Yarangga as Acting Mayor of Sorong to replace Lambertus Jitmau and Pahima Iskandar.

Furthermore, the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs number 131.92-5146 The Minister of Home Affairs assigned the Director of the Civil Service Police Unit and the Linmas of the Ministry of Home Affairs Bernhard E. Rondonuwu as Acting Regent of Maybrat to continue the duties of the pair Bernard Sagrim and Markus Jitmau.

The Acting Governor of West Papua Paulus Waterpauw after the inauguration specifically left a message so that the Acting Regents and Mayors could carry out government duties in accordance with Permendagri 1 of 2018.

"Maintaining public peace and order, facilitating the holding of definitive elections for regents and deputy regents, mayors and deputy mayors, and maintaining the neutrality of civil servants," said Waterpauw, quoted by ANTARA.

Furthermore, the inaugurated official is tasked with discussing the draft Regional Regulation and can sign the Regional Regulation after obtaining written approval from the Minister of Home Affairs.

"In carrying out the duties and authorities, the acting regional head is responsible and obliged to submit a report on the implementation of his duties to the minister through the governor," explained Waterpauw.