Police Examine Witness Of Ngaben Explosion Which Takes 9 Victims In Gianyar Bali

JAKARTA - The Blahbatu Sector Police coordinated with the Gianyar fire department in dealing with an explosion during a mass cremation ceremony in the Selat Belega Traditional Village, Blahbatuh District, Gianyar, Bali, Friday, August 19, then at around 19.30 WITA which injured nine residents.

"The Gianyar fire department has sent three fire engines to the location and PMI has also sent an ambulance to transport the victims of the explosion to Gianyar's Sanjiwani Hospital for treatment," said Blahbatu police chief Kompol I Made Tama, quoting Antara, Sunday, August 21.

Initially, the mass cremation went smoothly from Friday afternoon to evening. At around 19.30 WITA, during the peak (last) burning, suddenly there was an explosion from the stove while the people were gathering.

There were nine residents who suffered severe burns, one of which was an 11-year-old child. He is currently being treated at the Sanjiwani Hospital and the most severe was rushed to the Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar.

Even though there were explosions and fires, the community was not injured, continuing the mass cremation ceremony until it was finished.

The nine victims listed include I Ketut Muliana with blisters on both fingers, Ketut Adi Wiranata, a stove worker with blisters all over his body and wounds on both hands, I Gusti Nyoman Gede, who suffered injuries to the elbow of his left hand, I Kadek Dwi Putra Jaya, a carpenter. The stove had blisters all over the body.

I Gusti Ngurah Pradita, a child, had blisters on his body, Bagus Oscar, the cook, had blisters all over his body, I Gusti Made Budiarta, had blisters all over his body, I Kadek Gian Pramana Putra had burns all over his body, and Gusti Ketut Wiriantara had burns. light burn.

The Blahbatu Police have also asked for information, one of which is the owner of the Ngaben burning stove. Information from I Made Suarta, the owner of the mortuary stove, that seven units of the cremation stove were used using five oil cylinders and one compressor unit using diesel fuel and the compressor using pertalite fuel, said Kompol Tama.