Gaslink CNG Strengthens Pertamina Gas Subholding Natural Gas Services In Bali

JAKARTA - Pertamina's Gas Subholding is committed to expanding the use of natural gas, especially Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and to intensify efforts to reach the commercial industrial sector that has not been reached by pipeline gas networks on the island of Bali. This time, one of Pertamina's Gas Subholding affiliates, PT Gagas Energi Indonesia (Gagas) presented Gaslink to strengthen gas distribution beyond the pipeline.

A Gas Sale and Purchase Agreement (PJBG) was signed between PT Gagas Energi Indonesia and PT Puri Saron which is engaged in the hospitality sector on Thursday 18 August, in Seminyak, Bali. The signing was carried out by Heri Wibowo as PCT Department Head, Sales and Operation II Gagas and I Nyoman Henry Arie Suarthana as owner of PT Puri Saron.

The President Director of Gagas, Muhammad Hardiansyah, strongly supports the efforts of the Subholding Gas group to integrate natural gas infrastructure in Indonesia, both through pipeline and non-pipeline infrastructure. Especially for areas that have not been reached by pipeline infrastructure, the choice of distribution using CNG or LNG is the best choice at this time.

"Bali Island is the right showcase to become a pilot project for the development of retail CNG in Indonesia, as well as a pilot area for a green environment. This conversion to CNG is expected to contribute to efforts to reduce imports and government energy subsidies. Apart from being energy that is always available and efficient, CNG is also a source of energy. solutions to fulfill energy that are more environmentally friendly," said Hardiansyah, in his statement, quoted on Friday, August 19.

For the initial stage, the distribution of CNG Gaslink on the island of Bali for several customers engaged in the hospitality sector is estimated to reach 3,000 m3 per month. Meanwhile, the projected distribution of natural gas on the island of Bali can reach 250,000 m3 per month by the end of 2022.

"Previously, the Subholding Gas Group has also served natural gas needs in Bali through its affiliate PT Pertagas Niaga by distributing CNG of 5,000 m3 per month which is predicted to continue to increase and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) via ISOTank trucks for the hotel industry of 20,000 to 23,000. m3 per month. This means that the Subholding Gas group and its affiliates are synergistic in accelerating the utilization of natural gas in the form of CNG and LNG through various modes of gas transportation. In the future, the strengthening of natural gas pipeline infrastructure is also expected to be realized soon, "said Hardiansyah.

PGN as Pertamina Gas Subholding will continue to develop the CNG market in the Bali area. Infrastructure development will continue to be carried out in line with market development to ensure reliable distribution of CNG to the market in Bali, and a digitalization system will be developed to improve service to customers.

Hardiansyah said that Gagas would continue to carry out its commitment to providing natural gas energy in new areas such as the island of Bali. In the future, Gagas will also begin to penetrate into other areas such as Palembang and Bangka.

"As a tourism destination and creative industry that has been known to the world, the use of environmentally friendly fuels that can support the blue sky program is certainly one of Bali's main focuses. For this reason, Subholding Gas is here to provide an alternative energy supply that is not only efficient but also environmentally friendly. especially for the tourism industry in Bali," said Hardiansyah.

The plan is that the distribution to Bali will be carried out by taking the gas source using the Gas Transport Module (GTM) from East Java, which will then be sent by sea. GTM will arrive at the transit depot or hub in Denpasar to be distributed using the Gaslink Cylinder.

Hardiansyah added that Gagas' efforts to penetrate the market in Bali is one of Gagas' efforts to strengthen the role of Subholding Gas in expanding the use of natural gas in Bali which had previously been carried out.