Calculating The Cost Of Playing Golf And The Benefits For Health

YOGYAKARTA - Golf is a sport that is often referred to as a sport for the rich or an expensive sport, especially if it is practiced as a hobby. Actually, how much does it cost to play golf so that the title is attached to this sport? Besides, what makes it so expensive?

People who want to play golf need at least a complete set of golf clubs with additional accessories, such as balls, tees, and towels. In addition, of course, a special golf course is needed, in other words renting a golf course. Not to mention the additional fees for specialist golf attire and membership fees that can run into hundreds or thousands of dollars per year.

Calculating the Cost of Playing Golf

Golf is indeed an expensive sport when compared to other sports that are popular in the community, both in terms of equipment and field rental. The price of a set of golf equipment can be more than Rp. 30 million. You can buy golf equipment individually, but falls can be more expensive.

To be able to join a golf club, you can be charged a fee ranging from Rp. 2 million to Rp. 25 million. This figure is the cost for one time practice or play. In addition, there is also a monthly fee that must be paid.

Let's take a closer look at the cost of playing golf. People who play golf need club memberships, drivers, golf clothes, balls, bags, and other equipment. Let's first review the most important part of golf, namely the golf club. A new standard and complete golf club can cost around 500 US dollars. If based on the current exchange rate, it is approximately Rp. 7,450,000.

Then, the price of a standard golf bag without a well-known brand is at least 100 US dollars or around Rp. 1,450,000. According to Windtree Golf, the price of 24 golf balls is around US$30-50 or around Rp450,000 to Rp750,000. The cost of additional tees and towels is approximately 15 US dollars or around Rp. 224,000.

Next is the cost for the clothes used when playing golf. Clothing means includes shoes, one/two collared shirts, a pair of shorts, and a golf cap. The cost for these items is around 300-500 US dollars, or around Rp. 4,500,000 to Rp. 7,450,000.

Golf Course Maintenance

It's not just the equipment that costs a lot. The cost for a golf course is also not cheap, especially for maintenance and maintenance for 365 days a year, let alone a full 18 hole course which is a championship standard. Each player needs a large area exclusively to play.

Usually, maintenance fees are paid out of the players' pockets. This is why membership plans are quite expensive to meet field maintenance needs. The costs associated with the golf course for one round are in the range of Rp. 150,000 to Rp. 1 million. Golf courses also vary from discounts to residents and game times. Weekends are more expensive than weekdays.

Benefits of Playing Golf

All types of exercise provide benefits, especially for health. Then, what are the health benefits of golf?

This sport trains strength and endurance. That's because the game of golf uses a very wide field so the players have to walk quite a distance from one hole to another. Well, it is able to train your strength and endurance.

Golf also trains balance and concentration. When swinging a golf club, you need to be able to maintain a balance between your swing and your body, and keep your concentration so that the swing doesn't deviate from the ball.

Golf also trains body flexibility. When swinging a stick, there are certain techniques that must be mastered so that the results are good and do not cause injury. The swing makes your body more flexible.

In addition, golf can reduce stress. Golf is a light sport that can make your mood and mind calm and more positive. What's more, you will see a green expanse of grass. This will refresh your eyes and mind. It's like you're exercising while on a golf tour. So, the cost of playing golf is not cheap, but it also provides many benefits.