Bu Sri Mulyani Fans, SOEs Deposit Rp37.9 Trillion To The State Treasury In Seven Months: The Largest From BRI

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) reports that as of July 31, 2022, SOEs' deposits to the state treasury in the form of dividends have reached Rp37.9 trillion.

Director of Non-Tax State Revenue, Natural Resources and State Assets Separated Kurnia Chairi said, the three BUMNs that contributed the largest dividends were BRI at Rp. 14.05 trillion, Bank Mandiri at Rp. 8.75 trillion and Telkom at Rp. 7.74 trillion.

“The growth in dividend receipts has also fluctuated in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, as the economic recovery continues to improve, SOE dividend receipts are projected to grow positively in 2022," he said on Friday, August 12.

According to Kurnia, apart from dividends, SOEs' direct contributions to the state budget also come from taxes and non-tax state revenues (PNBP).

"In 2021, the total contribution of SOEs to the State Budget will reach Rp. 362 trillion," he said.

Kurnia added, BUMN was established to be an agent of development in order to contribute to development and the national economy as well as state revenue.

"It should also be borne in mind that SOEs play a quasi-fiscal function, which is expected to be effective in supporting government programs. This can be seen from the commitment in development such as infrastructure that has been carried out by SOEs," he explained.

In addition to generating funds for the government, SOEs are also provided with financial performance restructuring facilities if they experience operational problems but are still considered to have strategic functions.

“The government can provide support in the form of state capital participation (PMN), guarantees, or loans. The provision of PMN is carried out in order to improve the capital structure and business capacity of SOEs to increase their role so that they are able to support the implementation of various government programs," said Sri Mulyani's subordinate.

For information, from 2005 to 2021 the government has placed an investment of around IDR 369.17 trillion into SOEs as PMNs.

Meanwhile, the allocation of PMN starting in 2015 has increased significantly, including in the fields of infrastructure and connectivity, energy, food security, and national economic independence.