According To Doctors, Child Development Is Influenced By The Body's Endurance

JAKARTA - Pediatrician from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) dr. Margareta Komalasari, SpA reminded parents about the importance of maintaining a child's immune system and its correlation with children's growth and development.

"The child's immune system has not developed until the child is eight years old. This period is important in meeting the needs of children, especially to support the development of the immune system," said Margareta, quoted from ANTARA, Friday, August 12.

In addition to making children healthy and not easily sick, Margareta also said a good immune system will have a good impact on fine motor skills and cognitive abilities or intelligence of children.

"There is a study that states that endurance is a very important factor, where children with good immune systems have 26 percent higher fine motor skills than those who are sickly. Then, their cognitive scores can be three points higher than children who are sicker. ' explained Margaret.

"These two factors (motor and cognitive) are needed to get your child's growth and development more optimal. If their growth is optimal, they will become a smart, talented, and golden generation," he continued.

Regarding the correlation between immunity and motor and cognitive abilities, Margareta said that a healthy child would be more active in moving and playing so that he would be more stimulated. In addition, children who are actively moving will also find it easier to find their interests, talents, and potential.

On the other hand, continued Margareta, if the motor and cognitive aspects are disturbed, the child will experience various problems in the future. For example, children who are late to talk later tend to have difficulty socializing with those around them. Therefore, Margareta urges parents to be able to maximize these aspects of motor and cognitive abilities by optimizing the child's immune system through good nutritional interventions.

"The nutritional intervention needed is FOS, GOS, for immunity, then Omega 3, Omega 6, DHA, to improve cognitive abilities. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are fatty acids that cannot be produced by the body so they need intake of nutritious foods such as milk, fish , and eggs," he concluded.