Pandemic Had Been Delayed, Social Service Asked For Discussion Of The Narcotics Rehabilitation Center In Papua To Be Resumed

PAPUA - The Papuan Department of Social, Population, Civil Registration, Women Empowerment and Child Protection (DPPKB-PPA) said the presence of a narcotics rehabilitation center in Bumi Cenderawasih was urgently needed to accelerate the recovery of victims of narcotics abuse. Narcotics rehabilitation center will soon be realized and discussed together with related agencies. Previously, he said, there had been talks but due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the continuation of the discussion was postponed. According to Ribka, nationally there was already a National Narcotics Agency (BNN), so it might be necessary there is a design and active communication with the Papua Provincial Government so that there can be a drug rehabilitation in Papua.

He explained the need to sit down together and discuss pending matters because there are already regulations governing narcotics rehabilitation. The Director of Drug Investigation at the Papua Police, Senior Commissioner Alfian, said that his party hopes that in the near future there will be a rehabilitation center for narcotics addicts. " he said.