Been Struggling Since 2019, Now Online Ojek Drivers Can Finally Enjoy The Tariff Increase

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Two-Wheel Action Association Online Ojek Drivers Association said that the price of online motorcycle taxi services pretended to increase. This is because the Ministry of Transportation has issued the latest regulation to regulate the tariff limit for online motorcycle taxis through the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number KP 564 of 2022.

Chairman of the Indonesian Garda Online Ojek Driver Association Igun Wicaksono said online motorcycle taxi drivers have been fighting for tariff changes since 2019, but there has been no change.

Now, continued Igun, with the new regulation on tariff limits set by the Ministry of Transportation, it has the potential to raise the price of online motorcycle taxi services. This is in accordance with the demands of drivers since 2019.

"So we ask the regulator in this case the Ministry of Transportation to revise and update the previous tariff rules based on an increase in one of the tariff components in Opex (Operational Expenditure), operational costs," he said in an official statement, Tuesday, August 9.

For your information, KM KP 564 of 2022 regulates guidelines for calculating the cost of motorbike use services for the benefit of the community which is carried out by application. With this rule, application companies are asked to immediately make tariff adjustments to their applications.

Meanwhile, KM Number KP 564 of 2022 replaces KM Number KP 348 of 2019. This new rule will later serve as a temporary guideline for setting the upper and lower tariff limits for online motorcycle taxis.

Igun assessed that the tariff setting was a positive thing for online motorcycle taxi drivers. Therefore, said Igun, this new regulation must be socialized by the regulator of the Ministry of Transportation to all stakeholders including driver partners and also users of application services or customers.

Furthermore, Igun said that the currently highest application rental fee of 20 percent is still applied by the two largest on-demand application companies in Indonesia.

"However, there are several similar applications that apply application rental fees below 20 percent, this can be an option for partners to choose an application company that can apply rental fees which can be below 20 percent," he said.

Igun said that the main factor of the tariff component is fuel, for now there has been no increase in the price of Pertalite type fuel which is commonly used by online motorcycle taxi drivers.

However, continued Igun, with the regulation from Pertamina regarding restrictions on the purchase of Pertalite type fuel, it will more or less have an impact on the income of online motorcycle taxi drivers, although it is not yet significant for the operations of online motorcycle taxi driver partners.

"So if at any time there is an increase in Pertalite fuel, the tariff component must be re-adjusted as one of the components in Operational Expenditure (Operational Costs)," he said.

For your information, the Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Land Transportation has issued the latest regulation to regulate the online motorcycle taxi tariff limit through the Minister of Transportation Decree Number KP 564 of 2022. It states in detail the amount of online motorcycle taxi fares according to the zoning system.

The policy is effective no later than 10 days after the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number KP 564 of 2022 is issued. The regulation was issued on August 4, meaning that the regulation will be effective from August 14.

"In KM Number KP 564 of 2022, we have evaluated the latest tariff limits that apply to online motorcycle taxis. In addition, the zoning system still applies 3 zoning," said Director General of Land Transportation, Hendro Sugiatno, quoted Tuesday, August 9.

The three zoning divisions are:

a. Zone I includes: Sumatra, Java (besides Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi), and Bali;

b. Zone II includes: Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi;

c. Zone III includes: Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara and its surroundings, Maluku and Papua.

The online motorcycle taxi fare per zoning is as follows:

The amount of the Service Fee for Zone I is the lower limit service fee of IDR 1,850 per km and the upper limit service fee of IDR 2,300 per km. Minimum service fee with service fee range between Rp9,250 to Rp11,500.

Meanwhile, the amount of the Service Fee for Zone II is the lower limit service fee of IDR 2,600 per km and the upper limit service fee of IDR 2,700 per km. Minimum service fee with a service fee range between Rp. 13,000 to Rp. 13,500.

For Zone III service fees, the lower limit service fee is IDR 2,100 per km, the upper limit service fee is IDR 2,600 per km, the minimum service fee with a service fee range is between IDR 10,500 to IDR 13,000.

When compared to the previous regulation, Ministerial Decree (KM) KP 348 of 2019, the minimum service fee for all zones was recorded to have increased.

Furthermore, Hendro said that in its implementation, the amount of this service fee can be evaluated at the latest every 1 year.

"Or if there is a change that greatly affects business continuity which results in a change in basic costs of more than 20 percent," said Hendro.