South Kalimantan Police Find A Skimming Tool At Bank Kalsel ATMs, Rp1.9 Billion Of Money Belongs To 94 Customers Lost

BANJARMASIN - Investigators from the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation at the South Kalimantan Police found a "skimming" device at one of the locations of Bank Kalsel's automated teller machines (ATMs), which are now evidence.

"The location is at the South Kalimantan Bank ATM at SMKN 5 Banjarmasin," said Head of Sub-Directorate V of Cyber Intelligence, Special Crime Investigation Directorate of the South Kalimantan Police Commissioner Ricky B Sialagan in Banjarmasin, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, August 5.

The Bank Kalsel ATM in question is in the courtyard of the Banjarmasin State Vocational High School (SMKN) 5 on Jalan Soetoyo S, West Banjarmasin District, Banjarmasin City.

Unlike the skimming tool with the card scan method, the alleged skimming tool found in this case is attached to an internet network cable.

"The position is attached to a LAN (local area network) cable, a kind of router to connect devices to the internet network," said Ricky.

Regarding the mechanism and workings of the tool, investigators are still investigating it by involving experts from the Police Forensic Laboratory.

Ricky said that later the expert would explain about it so that the modus and methods used by the perpetrators could be clearly revealed.

The Bank Kalsel Skimming Handling Team concluded that the total missing funds from 94 customers reached Rp1.9 billion.

The banking management belonging to the South Kalimantan Provincial Government has fully reimbursed every customer affected by skimming.