Signs Agreement With Bumi Siak Pusako, President Director Of Pertagas: Commitment To Providing The Best Service

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) signed a gas sale and purchase agreement (PJBG) with PT Bumi Siak Pusako (BSP) to distribute natural gas energy in Riau and surrounding areas with an average volume of 6,180 MMBTUD.

Gas from Pertagas will later be utilized by BSP for the needs of a power plant used for oil exploration and lifting. The gas will be distributed through the Grissik-Duri Open Access Transmission Pipeline, then continued through a 67 km distribution pipeline, then delivered at the delivery point located at BSP's Power Plant.

In his remarks, the President Director of Pertagas Gamal Imam Santoso hoped that the cooperation which lasted until 2027 could be well established.

"Pertagas will be committed to providing the best supply and service for BSP so that it can increase exploration and oil lifting volumes," said Gamal in an official statement, Friday 5 August.

Meanwhile, Iskandar Director of BSP expressed his appreciation to Pertagas for the implementation of the PJBG on that day.

"We thank you for the good cooperation with Pertagas. We hope that in the future this relationship can be maintained and mutually provide optimal benefits for each company," said Iskandar.

Pertagas continuously strives to expand gas infrastructure to meet consumer needs in the Sumatra region.

This is in line with the government's program to support the achievement of an environmentally friendly energy transition.