Tangerang Regency Solear Monkey Park Managers Asked To Be Alert Monkeypox

TANGERANG - The Tangerang Regency Health Office (Dinkes) asked the Monkey Park tourism manager, Solear, Tangerang Regency to increase supervision so that visitors don't get exposed to the monkeypox virus or Monkeypox.

“Managers must increase supervision so that visitors avoid physical contact with these animals. This is a form of prevention or collaboration with the livestock service,” said Head of the P2P Health Office of Tangerang Regency, dr. Sumihar Sihaloho via text message to VOI, Friday, August 5.

Sumihar explained, if there are visitors or people who are bitten by primates, the initial treatment is immediately carried out by isolation.

"If a visitor is bitten by a monkey, then for initial treatment it can be observed whether the visitor experiences symptoms that lead to Monkeypox, so that isolation can be carried out immediately," he concluded.