COVID-19 Health Protocol Turns Out To Be Effective In Preventing Transmission Of Monkey Pox

JAKARTA - The implementation of the COVID-19 health protocol with discipline can prevent the emergence of monkeypox disease. The Health Office of Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province urges that good habits that have been ingrained are still carried out.

"To prevent the spread of monkeypox, we must continue to comply with health protocols by continuing to wear masks and wash our hands," said Head of the Central Lombok Health Office, Suardi, as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, August 5.

In addition, what the community must do to prevent monkeypox is to adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle. Among other things by protecting the environment and health, so that it has an impact on the health of others and the surrounding environment.

"A clean lifestyle can also prevent us from getting sick," he said.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global public health emergency regarding monkeypox.

In this case, the government through the Ministry of Health has issued a circular to be alert to monkeypox in non-endemic countries. Later, there will be a path of restrictions to carry out strict supervision from an early age.

The Ministry of Health has prepared 1,500 monkeypox detection reagents/liquids which will be sent gradually to all health laboratories in Indonesia.

The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) said that children are more susceptible to being exposed to the monkeypox virus. Therefore, parents need to be extra careful to protect them from infectious diseases, namely by preparing a safe environment.

"From the side of children, especially infants, monkeypox can be more susceptible to this," said the Chairperson of IDAI, Dr. Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, Sp.A(K) quoted from ANTARA, Thursday, August 4.

He reminded that until now there is no specific vaccine to prevent monkeypox. Therefore, parents must also teach their children to apply Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS) to prevent all kinds of infectious diseases.

"In general, PHBS is something that we must do together to prevent this disease," he said.