Openingly JNE Chooses President's Bansos Rice Burial Instead Of Throwing It Away, Lawyer Hotman Paris: More Efficient Than Burned Or Thrown Away

JAKARTA - The expedition company PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) has spoken about its decision to bury the damaged rice aided by the president instead of throwing it in a landfill. This is because to avoid the rice being misused.

JNE's attorney, Hotman Paris Hutapea, explained that JNE as an expedition company was trusted by PT StoreSend eLogistic Indonesia (SSI) to send basic necessities, in this case rice for presidential social assistance, from May to June.

However, said Hotman, in the distribution there was damaged rice. Of the total rice that must be distributed to Depok City, 6,199 tons, which were damaged in the shipping process were 3.4 tons or 0.05 percent.

The damaged rice, continued Hotman, was immediately replaced by JNE. The trick, he said, was to ask PT SSI as Bulog's partner for additional rice by providing an official report regarding the damage to rice. Furthermore, the minutes of the event are given to Bulog.

Furthermore, Hotman admitted that an official report was needed to access additional rice. He said, without an official report, Bulog would not issue additional rice.

"Bulog appointed SSI and SSI appointed JNE. Replaced the damaged rice by cutting the honorarium that we got worth Rp. 37 million. So once again the rice that was buried was rice belonging to JNE," he said at a press conference, at Pantai Mutiara, Jakarta, Thursday, 4 July.

Furthermore, Hotman revealed that the damaged rice was immediately replaced by JNE. So that people do not wait for rice replacement. Furthermore, the damaged rice is brought to the warehouse and stored from May 2020 to November 2021.

"Immediately it is replaced every time there is damage, they are immediately asked to replace it. So people don't wait. So every time there is damage, the damaged one is ordered, then distributed. Meanwhile, the damaged one was taken by JNE and stored in its warehouse for 1.5 years, buried 21 November 2021, " he said.

Hotman claimed that JNE had completed the task of distributing presidential aid according to the cooperation contract, which was in June. This means that 100 percent of the rice has been distributed to 247,997 beneficiary families (KPM).

"There is a signature from the beneficiary community. As a receipt that the rice has arrived," he explained.

Regarding the reason for choosing to bury after storing the same 1.5 years, Hotman continued, because it is considered more efficient than being burned or thrown into a landfill. Moreover, considering that the rice packaging has the president's social assistance logo on it.

"It's also a bit sensitive and at that time JNE thought about where to go because it had a logo. Precisely because JNE was too careful. If it was dumped on the street, there would be a banpres logo, JNE would misuse it. Because it was too careful so it was stored for a long time, " he explained.