Paying Homage To First Emperor Ivan The Terrible, 1200 In Russia Involved In Mass Boxing Fight

JAKARTA - A mass boxing fight involving 1200 people took place outside Moscow over the weekend. This moment is a celebration as a form of respect to Ivan the Terrible as the Tsar or the country's first emperor.

The celebration, called Walk the Field, involves two camps facing each other. Each camp is filled with 600 people. After being designated a stronghold with yellow or black shirts, the fighters then line up before they start attacking while chanting spells.

There are no definite rules in this mass fight. Some participants can even adopt the MMA movement. A popular tactic in this parade is to create power through the number of groups to be able to isolate the opponent.

Although it looks like a brutal clash, the duration of this parade only lasts for one minute and will be replaced with loud applause. With a short duration but involving many people, this parade went on to become a world record for the most people who took part in a fight.

This mass fight was held to mark 450 years since the Battle of Molodi. At that time Russian troops tried to defend the city during the first reign of Emperor Ivan.

Ivan The Terrible himself ruled Russia from 1547 to 1584. The Terrible nickname was attached because of his cruel actions.

He divided Moscow into two, with one province for the rich and the other for the poor.