26 Cross-Provincial ATM Machines Have Broken, These 3 Lampung Residents Lame Shot When Arrested By The South Sumatra Police

PALEMBANG - Officials from the Sub-Directorate of Crime and Violence III of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of the South Sumatra Police arrested three specialists in breaking into automatic teller machines (ATMs) across provinces.

The three actors are I (46), M (32), and A (32). All of them are residents of Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province.

Head of Unit I Subdit III Jatanras Ditreskrimum Polda Sumsel Kombes Willy Oscar said the perpetrator was arrested in an ambush operation at an inn and apartment in the Ciputat Urban Village area, South Jakarta, Monday, August 1 night.

The perpetrators were immediately taken to the South Sumatra Police headquarters in Palembang. "They were forced to take decisive and measured action against the three perpetrators for resisting and trying to escape," he said in Palembang, Antara, Tuesday, August 2.

He explained that in their action, this gang had broken into as many as 26 ATM machines, all of which were Bank SumselBabel in the Palembang City, Prabumulih, Baturaja, Muara Enim Regency and surrounding areas.

"One of the actions was at an ATM machine in Palembang which occurred on June 5-6. The whereabouts of the perpetrators were revealed after the car rented by the perpetrators was caught on a traffic monitoring camera," he explained.

In fact, he continued, based on the investigation, it was known that the three perpetrators were recidivist of the same case with the action area reaching several locations in Jabodetabek.

When they act, the perpetrators have prepared special tools in the form of ATM card clips and banknotes that they made themselves.

"From each target ATM machine, the perpetrators took a maximum of IDR 2.5 million by destroying the machine using their homemade tools. Currently, the perpetrators are still undergoing intensive examination," he said.

For their actions, the perpetrators can be suspected of violating Article 363 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of seven years in prison.