Police Have Not Determined Suspect For Dog Slaughterhouse In Surabaya, But Confirm Criminal Threats

SURABAYA - Head of Subunit Tipidek Polrestabes Surabaya Ipda Raka Bima Grimaldi said dogs killed by dog slaughter owners in Surabaya were processed into rica-rica dishes.

This is known from the results of the crime scene (TKP) at the dog slaughter house on Jalan Pesapen IV, Lakarsantri District, Surabaya, Monday, August 1.

"The information we got, the identification team can sell it in the form of rica-rica, not in the form of raw meat," said Raka, confirmed, Tuesday, August 2.

The team also found several dogs that were planned to be killed to be used as rica-rica when there was an order. The process is by hanging the dog with a wire until it dies. While dying there burned and skinned.

In the peeling process using a knife that has been provided.

"After the dog meat is clean of fur, then the dog meat is cut and washed. Then, the meat is processed in the form of food," he said.

Until now, the Surabaya Police have not named a suspect in the alleged dog slaughter case. The reason is that the police are still investigating the matter.

"The owner of the dog slaughter is still a witness, we are still conducting further investigations," continued Ipda Raka.

The owner of the dog butcher called the police can be charged with Article 91 b paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 66 a paragraph 1 of Law Number 41 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law Number 18 of 2009 concerning Animal Husbandry and Health.

"The threat is at least 1 month, maximum 6 months," said Ipda Raka.

Confession of Dog Slaughterhouse Owner

Sio Petrus, the owner of a dog slaughter at Pesapen IV, Sumur Welut Village, Lakarsantri District, Surabaya, responded to the viral raid on his dog slaughterhouse. He insists that he never tortures a dog before it is cooked.

"Oh, then I never beat a dog until it fainted or died, I hung the dog to death. So, I never tortured it, let alone beat a dog to death," said Petrus, in Surabaya, Tuesday, August 2.

Petrus regretted that he was accused of torturing dogs. The allegations were previously made by animal lovers who have reported them to the police.

"The process is that the dog is hung with its mouth closed so it doesn't scream, it's not pleasant for neighbors to bark," he said.

After the dog died and was skinned, Petrus said the dog would be cooked to order. He sold it for Rp. 25,000 per kilogram. "After the dog dies, then I burn it and skin it. So it's not right that I burn the dog alive," he said.

Petrus was confused about what wrongs the animal lovers had accused him of. In addition to never torturing animals, he admitted that he did not steal animals, but bought them at a price ranging from Rp. 200 to Rp. 300 thousand per head.

Petrus also realized that dogs were not animals to be consumed in general. However, he does his business, in order to provide for his family's daily needs.

"I admit that dogs are not animals for consumption. But dogs are not protected animals, and this is only for some people who like dog meat," he said.