Denies US Allegations About Zaporizhzhia Plant, Russia: Our Armed Forces' Actions Are Not Damaging Or Harmful

JAKARTA - Russia categorically rejects accusations by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken regarding the use of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (PLTN) as a military base, according to the Moscow delegation to the United Nations.

"In his statement at the 10th Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), US Secretary of State A. Blinken accused Russian forces of using the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant as a military base," the delegation said in a statement, posted on the mission's official website. , launched TASS 2 August.

"We strongly reject these accusations. We have repeatedly stated that the actions of our Armed Forces in no way undermine Ukraine's nuclear security or hinder the routine operation of the nuclear power plant," the mission stressed.

"Over the past few months, Ukrainian armed formations have carried out a series of provocations that use UAVs (i.e. those sent by NATO countries) and aim to sabotage the normal operation of the NPP, scare its personnel, undermine the safety of power plants, and finally, create a threat of nuclear catastrophe.

"We specifically raised this issue at the meeting of the Security Council on 29 July 2022. While taking such a step, Kyiv has the full support of the United States and other Western countries," the statement read.

Earlier, answering reporters' questions on the sidelines of a review conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Blinken claimed that Russia was allegedly using the station as a 'nuclear shield', rather than a 'human shield'.

"There are credible reports, including in the media today, that Russia is using this plant on par with a human shield, but a nuclear shield in the sense that it is shelling Ukraine from around the plant," Foreign Minister Blinken said.

"And of course Ukraine can't and won't retaliate if there weren't a terrible accident involving a nuclear plant," he said.

It is known that the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. The plant is used to generate a quarter of all electricity in Ukraine.

The total capacity is about 6,000 Megawatts, and includes six reactors. In March 2022, the factory was taken over by the Russian armed forces.

Currently, the power plant is operating at 70 percent of its full capacity, due to overproduction of electricity in the Zaporozhye Region. In the future, it is supposed to supply electricity to the Crimea.