Tifatul Sembiring Era, Kominfo Blocks One Million Porn Sites

JAKARTA - The actions of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) are often controversial. Especially under the leadership of Tifatul Sembiring. The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) politician moves Kominfo like a moral police.

Those in power also move to prevent the bad effects and dangers of pornography. Block porn sites so the magic. In fact, in just a few years Kominfo was able to block one million porn sites. In fact, blocking porn sites did not have much impact on the performance of Kominfo.

The presence of Kominfo has brought new dreams and hopes to the Indonesian nation since 2005. Kominfo is predicted to be a vital institution belonging to Indonesia. Kominfo is intended to be the spearhead of national information dissemination. Creating open access to information is the only important element.

Others Kominfo is presented to develop telecommunications infrastructure for all Indonesian people. This function is increasing every year. Kominfo is not only concerned with the matter of “information,” but those who have the power are expected to be able to develop strategic communication support to build national integration.

There is nothing less related to the function of Kominfo. However, the new captain of the Kominfo, Tifatul Sembiring (2009-2016) added to its functions. Kominfo began to act like a moral police. Violent and immoral things, especially pornography in cyberspace, will be dealt with immediately. Blocking porn sites is a lesson.

Tifatul Sembiring. (Wikimedia Commons)

The buzz of the gong to block porn sites began to be heard in 2010. In fact, after the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), Tifatul claimed that his ministry was able to block many porn sites. Tifatul disclosed the blocking policy in accordance with the implementation of the General Telecommunications Law, the Information and Electronic Transactions Law, and the Pornography Law.

In essence, telecommunications operators must not violate immorality. Tifatul likens the virtual world as a toll road that must be guarded. Anyone who is suspicious should be brushed immediately. So that many people are not affected.

"It's like on a toll road, if you see cars carrying bombs, missiles and terrorists at the entrance, they will be identified and not allowed to enter. Because, it is feared that the cars of good people will be affected.”

“Then, what if someone breaks through or through the rat's path? We will deal with that next,” said Tifatul in an interview as quoted by Nugroho Dewanto and his friends in Tempo Magazine entitled Tifatul Sembiring: The Main Target of Schools and Warnets (2010).

One Million Porn Sites

Tifatul's concern is justified. He did not want the morale of Indonesian youth to fall to the lowest level. Moreover, the number of access to pornographic sites for middle and high school children was quite high at that time. This fact is in accordance with a survey conducted by the Indonesian Child Protection Commission. therefore, efforts to block porn sites continue to be perpetuated.

Tifatul did not forget to ask for support from all Indonesian people to support Kominfo's steps. Because breaking the chain of influence of pornographic shows requires mutual support. Kominfo understands that eradicating moral problems is not an easy matter.

The hearts and heads of young Indonesians must be opened, he thought. Along with that, the steps to block porn sites were carried out massively. In fact, in just three years, the authorities have blocked about one million porn sites.

Illustration of stop porn sites. (Pixabay)

However, the blocking achievement is not directly proportional to the achievements received by Kominfo. Instead of getting praise, Kominfo was 'given' by the President's Working Unit for Development Supervision and Control (UKP4) a red report card. The report card was given in the same year (in 2010) as Kominfo aggressively blocked porn sites.

"We have socialized and blocked about one million porn sites that are often opened by the younger generation in the country."

"That is, even though the government prohibits and closes various pornographic sites, but there is no heart and head, then they will be stuck with it if one day they are in countries that do not block these sites," said Tifatul Sembiring as quoted by Republika in an article entitled Tifatul: Minister of Communication and Information Blocks One Million Porn Sites (2013).