The Palace Unveils Photos And Documents That May Have Never Been Opened To The Public

JAKARTA - The Presidential Palace held an exhibition of presidential archives and cars at the Sarinah Shopping Center, Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta. This event is part of a series of activities to commemorate the 77th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia.

Secretary of the Ministry of State Secretariat, Setya Utama, explained that the exhibition, which was opened to the general public, was held on August 13-22, 2022.

"We will display archives in the form of photo documentation, videos and also documents that the public may have never seen," said Setya Utama, in a press statement for the 2022 Independence Month which was witnessed virtually, Monday, August 1, quoted from Antara.

He explained that the exhibition entitled "Indonesia Answers" will also emphasize the leadership of the seven Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia in responding to the crises and challenges of their respective times.

The public can see how the challenges faced by President Soekarno in uniting the entire nation to achieve independence, to the challenges of the global crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic faced by President Joko Widodo.

Meanwhile, the car exhibition used by the seven presidents of the Republic of Indonesia can be enjoyed in the courtyard and roof of the Sarinah Building.

"This will be interesting because the cars are used by our seven presidents," he said.

He stated that the exhibition will be equipped with a collection of National archives owned by the State Secretariat.

In line with that, the Deputy for Protocol, Press and Media of the State Secretariat, Bey Machmudin, explained that this exhibition was held openly and free of charge to the general public.

"We are displaying the Presidential archive, this is our form of conveying to the public and this exhibition is free, so people are welcome to flock to Sarinah," he said.