US House Speaker Starts Asia Tour, No Name Taiwan: Worried About Chinese Threats?

JAKARTA - US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi began a tour of four Asian countries on Sunday, her office said, without naming Taiwan amid strong speculation she might visit a self-governing island claimed by China.

"Nancy Pelosi is leading a Congressional delegation to the Indo-Pacific region, including visits to Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan," her office said in a statement.

It said the visit would cover those countries, but did not specify whether Pelosi, who is number 3 in the presidential line of succession, might make another stop.

"The trip will focus on mutual security, economic partnership, and democratic governance in the Indo-Pacific region," he said.

It said Gregory Meeks, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, was among the delegates.

Pelosi is expected to arrive in Singapore on Monday for a two-day visit, CNA reported, citing the country's foreign ministry. The American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore is scheduled to host a reception with him on Monday afternoon, his website says.

China views the visit of US officials to Taiwan as an encouraging signal for the pro-independence camp on the island. Washington has no formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan, but is bound by law to provide the island with the means to defend itself.

Pelosi's visit would be a dramatic, though unprecedented, show of US support for Taiwan. Republican Newt Gingrich was the last House speaker to visit Taiwan in 1997.

Last week, Chinese President Xi Jinping warned his counterpart US President Joe Biden on Thursday that Washington must adhere to the one-China principle and "those who play with fire will perish by it".

Meanwhile, President Biden told President Xi that US policy on Taiwan has not changed and that Washington strongly opposes unilateral attempts to change the status quo or undermine peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

Separately, Taiwan's Foreign Ministry said on Friday after a call between President Xi and President Biden, Taiwan would continue to deepen its close security partnership with the United States.

China's air force spokesman Shen Jinke was quoted by state media as saying on Sunday, Beijing would "resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity".

Shen said at the military air show, the air force has many types of fighter jets capable of circling the "precious island of our homeland", referring to Taiwan.

He said "China's air force has strong will, full confidence and sufficient capability to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity."

It is known, President Biden told reporters he thought the US military believed Pelosi's visit to Taiwan was not a good idea at this point last Wednesday. Pelosi's Asia tour comes at a politically sensitive time for Chinese and US leaders.