The Status Of Monkeypox Is An International Health Emergency, Vice Mayor Fitrianti Agustinda Asks Palembang Residents To Be Vigilant

PALEMBANG - The government of Palembang City, South Sumatra, appealed to residents to be aware of monkeypox after some time ago the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the international health emergency status of the disease.

"Although this city has not detected a disease caused by a viral infection called monkeyfox, anticipatory measures need to be increased," said Deputy Mayor of Palembang Fitrianti Agustinda in Palembang, Antara, Friday, July 29.

In the current condition of the COVID-19 pandemic and the threat of various other diseases, such as previously acute hepatitis and now monkeypox, according to Fitrianri, in addition to maintaining discipline in implementing health protocols, it is necessary to increase awareness of the threat of these diseases with clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS).

To encourage the residents of Bumi Sriwijaya to improve PHBS, his party maximizes the role of first-level health facilities or puskesmas, and sends health workers to residential areas to educate city residents.

Residents spread over 18 sub-districts within the local city must pay attention to PHBS indicators and be aware of early symptoms such as feeling fever, feeling chills and coming out with spots on the body.

If residents feel these early symptoms, they must immediately go to the nearest health center or hospital so that they can be treated quickly and the disease does not get worse and spreads to family members and local residents.

The fluid that comes out of the residents' body spots must be tested, samples taken, if positive for being infected with the monkeypox virus, then it must be isolated and treated medically with two to four weeks to recover.

Through these efforts, it is hoped that it can prevent new disease outbreaks and support the Healthy Indonesia Movement as well as part of a strategy to reduce the burden on the state and citizens of Palembang in health financing, Fitrianti said.