Sindir Political Parties Hasten To Prepare For The 2024 Presidential Election, PDIP: Something Is Like That If We Just Stay Calm

JAKARTA - Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said his party would not rush to discuss the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). Moreover, the people are struggling because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This was conveyed by Hasto during a speech at the PDIP leadership meeting of South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi) which was held in Makassar City, Wednesday, July 27.

PDIP, he continued, did not want to rush into discussing the 2024 presidential election. After all, the most important thing right now is to come down to the community to help like President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and other leaders have done.

"It's not that we are advancing too quickly. There are political parties like that. For us, just calm down. For us, what is important is that we consolidate with the people," Hasto said in a written statement, Wednesday, July 27.

Hasto reminded that the decision on the presidential and vice presidential candidates is in the hands of the PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri. No one should doubt his decision because it has been proven that many proven figures have been produced, such as President Jokowi, Prananda Prabowo, Puan Maharani, and Tri Rismaharini.

Then there are also the names of Pramono Anung, Olly Dondo Kambey, Ganjar Pranowo, I Wayan Koster, Abdullah Azwar Anas, and others. "Our party mechanism has proven that many leaders were born from the womb of the PDI-P. So we don't hesitate. We help the people first. Overcome various problems. Deal with those who spread ideologies that are not Pancasila," he said.

"Registration for presidential candidates is only one year from now. There are still many things happening in that one year. So we chose to move. The vice presidential candidate will leave it to Mrs. Mega and she will consider what is best for the Indonesian nation and state," continued Hasto.

Next, Hasto asked his cadres to remember the results of the National Work Meeting for some time which encouraged Indonesia's development from the village.

"Village is strong, Indonesia is strong. Raise the culinary arts, the beauty of nature, so that from the village an independent economy moves," he said.

In addition, the National Working Meeting also encourages PDIP cadres to mobilize their culture in their respective regions so that they are global. "How can this go global and we develop it. We build a downward mentality, there is no day without movement. We hope this can be discussed at this leadership meeting," he explained.

Like Hasto, the Chairperson of the South Sulawesi PDIP DPD Ridwan Andi Wittiri also encouraged the South Sulawesi PDIP cadres to work hard to prepare for 2024. All must unite the spirit at all levels of the executive, legislative and structural levels.

"We must prepare to win the 2024 election, there is no other choice but one thing, which is solid. We must move measured and directed. Stand and run our party constitution. Mega always reminds us that we strive to make the PDI-P as a pioneer and solid party with discipline. theory, thought and action," said Wittiri.

Meanwhile, Governor Andi Sudirman Sulaiman appreciated PDIP and its cadres for having an extraordinary organization and unified attitude compared to other political parties.

"I appreciate the PDIP Faction who always supports my government. Our spirit is the spirit of building Greater Indonesia together," he concluded.