Mother In Gianyar Bali Hit By A Stray Bullet In The Head

GIANYAR - A photo of a mother with the initials NS (43) allegedly shot by a stray bullet while doing activities behind her house in Banjar Bayad, Melinggih Kelod Village, Payangan District, Gianyar Regency, Bali, has been widely shared on social media.

In the photo, the victim suffered a head injury. The victim is said to have been hit by a stray bullet, an air rifle, or a bird shotgun.

Payangan Police Chief, AKP I Putu Agus Ady Wijaya, confirmed the incident. The incident when the mother was hit by a stray bullet occurred on Tuesday, July 26.

“It happened yesterday around half past four. But there was no report to the police and what really happened was that from the (victim) side, no one wanted to report it", said AKP Agus, Wednesday, July 27.

After the incident, the mother was taken to the doctor. The victim has now returned home.

"She has been treated by a doctor and has gone home", he added.

Even though the victim did not report it, the police are still investigating the case. The police reminded the owners of air rifles not to use them in any place that endangers others.

"We are still investigating. In our area there are still fields (gardens), indeed they are hunted like squirrels and anything using weapons (wind) but don't sacrifice other people", said AKP Agus.