5 Districts In Bangka Belitung Zero Cases Of COVID-19

BABEL - The Bangka Belitung Islands Province (Babel) COVID-19 Handling Task Force recorded five out of seven regencies/cities in Babel without additional COVID-19 cases.

Secretary of the Babel Islands COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Mikron Antariksa, said that there were no cases because the community was disciplined in carrying out health protocols.

"Today, there are two additional cases of COVID-19 in Central Bangka and one case in West Bangka," he said in Pangkalpinang, Babel, Tuesday, July 26.

He said, based on daily COVID-19 case data, districts / cities without additional cases of people exposed to the corona virus, namely Bangka Regency, South Bangka, Belitung, East Belitung and Pangkalpinang City. Meanwhile, Central Bangka and West Bangka have added three cases, bringing the total active COVID-19 patients to 62 people.

"We hope that the community will continue to be disciplined in implementing the health procedures when doing outdoor and indoor activities," he said, according to Antara.

He explained that as many as 62 COVID-19 patients who are still undergoing self-isolation spread across Belitung 32, Pangkalpinang 18, Central Bangka six Bangka four, West Bangka and South Bangka one patient each.

"Alhamdulillah, in the last three months East Belitung still has zero cases without active COVID-19 patients," he said.

The head of the East Belitung COVID-19 Task Force, Ikhwan Fahrozi, said the local government continues to intensify vaccinations to maintain the local area to have zero COVID-19 cases.

"Vaccination activities have been carried out massively to touch people in remote villages, in order to increase the community's immunity from this corona virus," he said.