1,026 Residents Netted By Swab Hunter Operation In Surabaya
SURABAYA - A total of 1,026 people were arrested in the Swab Operation and Hunter Vaccine which was held simultaneously by the Surabaya City Government together with the TNI-Polri in 31 sub-districts in the City of Heroes, East Java, on Saturday (23/7) evening until early Sunday.
The acting head of the Surabaya City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Ridwan Mubarun, said that of these, 680 were sanctioned with swab or swab tests with negative results.
"Of the 1,026 people, 342 of them were also given the vaccine, because they haven't been vaccinated. We carry out the Swab and Hunter Vaccine every Saturday night or Sunday night. We target residents who don't wear masks and crowded places," he said, as quoted by ANTARA. , Sunday, July 24.
According to Ridwan, the activity followed up on President Joko Widodo's advice regarding the use of masks even outside the room.
"We have reactivated it because the first case of COVID-19 in Indonesia, especially in Surabaya, rose. Second, there was an appeal from President Jokowi and SE Mayor of Surabaya to keep people wearing masks outside," said Ridwan.
The implementation of swabs and hunter vaccines in Surabaya, said Ridwan, had previously been stopped. That's because the COVID-19 situation is increasingly under control and the rules for wearing masks are no longer required to be worn outdoors.
However, he continued, with this new regulation, the municipal government will automatically re-encourage these activities.
"So for residents who do not wear masks, we do a swab test, then check, if they haven't been vaccinated, we will immediately vaccinate them at the location," said Ridwan.
According to Ridwan, the results of the swab hunter are also a benchmark for the city government regarding the situation or development of COVID-19 in the City of Heroes. When the results of the swab test carried out simultaneously were found to be positive for many residents, the COVID-19 situation in Surabaya was not good.
"Thank God the results last night were negative, so Surabaya is still good. That is also our benchmark. For example, many are positive, so we have to look for other patterns to suppress COVID-19 cases," he said.