Joint Officers Of The TNI - Polri Evacuate The Wreck Of The Airplane That Crashed In Blora

BLORA – Blora Police personnel together with the TNI carried out the process of evacuating the wreckage of the TNI AU's T-50i Golden Eagle trainer that crashed in Nginggil Village, Kradenan, Blora, Central Java, Wednesday, July 20. A number of aircraft debris were transported using military trucks with the help of a number of volunteers.

"The process of removing the wreckage was carried out on Wednesday morning by joint TNI and Polri officers from Iswahyudi Air Base, Kradenan Police, Kradenan Koramil and assisted by a team of volunteers," said Blora Police Chief, Grand Commissioner Adjutant of Police Fahrurozi, on Wednesday, July 20.

The plane wreck that had been evacuated was temporarily secured at the Kradenan village hall. He also added that the search for the remains of the plane wreck would continue for the next one week.

As previously reported, a training plane belonging to the Indonesian Air Force reportedly crashed in the forest area of Nginggil Village, Kradenan, Blora last Monday night while undergoing night flight training. The plane lost contact with Iswahyudi Air Base at 19.25 western Indonesia time.

Prior to the incident, a number of eyewitnesses in Nginggil village saw two planes flying over their village. one of them then appeared to have fallen in the forest which caused a fire at the crash site at 18.30 western Indonesia time.

“Initially we saw in the air there were two planes, one left and the other crashed in the forest. After the fire that burned this forest was extinguished and residents saw a lot of metal debris which was thought to be the plane that crashed earlier,” Laji, a resident of Kradenan village.

As a result of this incident, the pilot of the T-50i First Lieutenant (Pnb) Allan Safitra Indra was declared dead. First Lieutenant (Pnb) Allan is one of the best Indonesian Air Force pilots, graduated from the Air Force in 2015 and the Air Force Aviation School in 2017. The officer who last served in Squadron 15 Iswahyudi Air Base, left a wife and toddler child