Blibli, An E-Commerce From Djarum Group Owned By Conglomerate Hartono Brothers Gets Payment Digitization Services From

JAKARTA - The Djarum Group e-commerce company owned by the Hartono Brothers conglomerate Blibli has received digital service support from the invoice & payment platform between businesses, In this collaboration, is revolutionizing the conventional business-to-business (B2B) payment habits to digital payments. CEO & Co-founder Yosia Sugialam said that the collaboration between and Blibli was one of the steps being prepared to help digitalize businesses and build mutual trust.

"We will continue to move with the vision & mission to digitize business payments in order to reach more businesses that have not been digitized to get business billing & payment solutions that are transparent, safe, and accessible to anyone through," said Yosia in his statement, Tuesday. July 19. is also committed to simplifying invoice payment transactions to suppliers and receiving invoice payments from customers as easy as transactions in e-commerce.

Yosie explained, with, the billing process, payment & recording of invoice transactions run automatically. Billing can be done easily just by creating an invoice, sending it to the customer via whatsapp, email or SMS which can be affixed with e-Meterai directly.

"Customers will be reminded via payment notifications via Whatsapp/SMS, so business people don't have to bother reminding and maintaining good relations with customers. Furthermore, customers can pay invoices by any method including credit cards," Yosia added.

After that, the payments will be reconciled instantly on the spot. This also applies to business people when they want to pay invoices to suppliers with any method, even though the supplier does not provide the method, because accommodates it.

Thus, this can be a solution for business people to be digitized easily through the platform which is free and can be enjoyed by anyone, from MSMEs to large companies. Businesses can enjoy easy-to-access solutions to lower business operational costs, control billing and payment in one platform so that business cash flow is stable and strong.