The Ministry Of PUPR Collaborates On The Winners Of The Vice Presidential Palace Design Competition At IKN

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) will collaborate on the works of winners of the regional and building design competition in the Indonesian Capital City (IKN), including the design for the Vice President's Palace.

"Of course we have to collaborate on the basic design. If earlier there were two winners at the Vice Presidential Palace, so we will collaborate later, we will take which elements from Huma Betang Umai, which ones from the People's Palace," said Director General of Human Settlements, Ministry of PUPR Diana Kusumastuti in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Monday, July 18.

Diana conveyed this in the ceremony for the Presentation of Prizes for the Regional Design and Building Concept Competition in the Capital of the Archipelago.

The collaboration in the preparation of the basic design of the Vice President's Palace, said Diana, took about 1-2 months.

"So later, after we have a basic design, we can only estimate the construction for the Vice President's Palace, later we can tell when we announce it for auction," he said.

Diana said that her party would also collaborate on various winning works for other categories, such as for the Legislative Office Complex, the Worship Complex, and the Judicial Complex.

The Regional and Building Design Concept Competition at IKN Nusantara was opened on March 28, 2022. The judging process for Phase 1 was conducted on June 6-10, 2022 to determine the three best designs.

The ranking of the top 3 works was carried out on June 20-22 2022. Then the process of determining the winner was carried out by the Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono together with the jury.

There were 248 participants who registered for the contest and 79 of them passed the verification.

For the Judicial Office Complex, the first winner was won by a work entitled Adil Ka Talino, the second winner with the title of Paramarta's work and the third winner was Cakra Nusantara.

For the Vice President's Palace Complex, it was decided that there would be no first place winner, but there were two works that were determined as the second winner, namely the work entitled Huma Betang Umai and the People's Palace, and the third winner with a work entitled Dwi Arya Wibawa.

Meanwhile for the Worship Complex, three selected works were designated as the second winner, namely the work entitled Humanity Beyond Religion, Cahaya Batang Haring Nusantara, and Akur Rukun.

Furthermore, for the Legislative Office Complex, it was also decided that there was no first place winner, but there were two works that won second place, namely Sasana Swara Nusantara and Knitting Swara Indonesia. The third place was won by Circle of Democracy.

The winners received an award in the form of cash with details of the first winner of Rp. 500 million, second place of Rp. 250 million, and third place of Rp. 150 million.