At Y20 Summit, Puan Invites Young People To Become Development Agents By Getting Involved In Politics

JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, invites the world's young people to be more involved in politics.

This was conveyed when giving a speech at the Networking Night event of the Youth 20 (Y20) Indonesia 2022 Summit.

“It was a pleasure for me to speak at the Y20 Summit tonight. It is interesting to note that more than half of the world's population today is youth under the age of 30," said Puan at the Y20 Summit Networking Night in Jakarta, Sunday, July 17 evening.

The Y20 Summit was held by the young generation of the G20 to discuss global issues, from working groups to producing communiques to be recommended to G20 leaders. Puan also highlighted data from the United Nations which stated that the number of youth is projected to grow by 7 percent in 2030 to reach nearly 1.3 billion.

“However, despite this high proportion, young people tend to be under-represented in political decision-making processes where more than 2.6 percent of the world's Members of Parliament are youths under 30 years of age,” said Puan.

According to Puan, the involvement of young people is the key to promoting and strengthening democracy around the world. In addition, to advance the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“Young people are the engine of future economic development. Today's youth are tomorrow's leaders. Youth are expected to be able to come up with new ideas to solve global problems,” said Puan.

Furthermore, the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture mentioned the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the world and climate change which has caused the emergence of a 'new normal' in many countries. Not to mention, the world is faced with global chaos due to the wars between Russia and Ukraine that disrupt energy and food security.

“Economic hardship has occurred in developing and low-income countries. As we seek to solve this global problem, we must focus on the recovery process and rebuilding better."

“Right now, not only do we need to recover, but we also need to build a formidable world. In my opinion, there are several ways to build resilience for young people,” said Puan.

The first way that can be done is by empowering young people, and increasing their participation in the decision-making process. Puan continued, another step that can be taken is to ensure that the voices of the younger generation are heard at the global, national and local levels.

"Youth's political representation needs to be strengthened to carry their interests in formal institutions such as parliament, government institutions, and youth councils," asserted the grandson of the Indonesian Proclaimer Bung Karno. "Young people are the future of any democracy. We must empower the younger generation to revive democracy," he continued.

The second way that world countries can do, according to Puan, is by providing quality education for young people. Because, education can be a game changer that turns young people into positive forces in society. “The pandemic has disrupted the education of more than 90 percent of children worldwide. For many students, this disruption may have a permanent impact on their future,” explained Puan.

Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani (Photo from DPR doc)

In the short term, the priority that needs to be done is to help children to catch up on learning during the pandemic. Puan said that a modernized education system is also needed that can make learning more student-centered, dynamic, and collaborative.

“We need to transform education so that students can reach their full potential by learning new knowledge and technologies. Quality education must be able to help students improve digital literacy and reduce the digital divide," he explained.

The next step is to create decent jobs and economic opportunities as the COVID-19 pandemic has a serious impact on young workers. Therefore, efforts to improve youth competencies and link them from learning to job opportunities and entrepreneurship must be ensured.

“The availability of decent jobs for young people is also linked to future economic opportunities, especially in the green and digital economy. When we tackle climate change, we must be able to create jobs related to the environment, such as in the renewable energy sector,” explained Puan.

At the same time, the widespread use of digital technology during the pandemic should be seen as an opportunity to accelerate the use of digital technology for the younger generation. Puan also assessed that the contribution of the younger generation is also needed in solving various global problems.

“We need youth as agents of development, as agents to reduce global emissions and as peacemakers. With rising geopolitical tensions, youth are expected to spread a culture of peace and tolerance," said Puan.

Even so, young people must have a clear understanding of the root causes of global challenges to be able to do so. According to Puan, Y20 is suitable for making recommendations on how young people can contribute to solving global challenges, including for the achievement of the SDGs which is the global agenda in the future.

“This is actually a youth agenda. We will not be able to achieve our goals of leaving no one behind, ending poverty and providing access to health and education services by 2030, if we don't empower young people," he said.

Puan encourages youth to be part of the process of achieving the SDGs that requires the help of all elements, including the younger generation. That means, all of this is an inclusive process with the aim of solving the global crisis.

Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani (Photo from DPR doc)

“In this room, Y20 gathered. This is a testament to how the voice of the younger generation is heard on the global stage. While on the street, several young people protested to voice their concerns. The voices that young people ask for on the streets must also be reflected in Y20's work,” said Puan. “If youth want to see change, reform, and influence the world with your ideas, then start making bold commitments. And youth need to take active participation in the decision-making process,” he added.

Puan also challenges the world's youth to be able to translate various commitments into concrete actions on the ground. He invites youth to work together to create a world that is comfortable for all generations.

“A more sustainable, peaceful and just world. A world where young people are able to harness their full potential. Thus, we will be able to turn the recovery process into a resilient world,” said Puan.

Present at the networking event tonight were 59 people consisting of 17 Y20 delegate countries. Then there are also representatives from world organizations, namely the WTO, ADB, and ASEAN.

In addition, there are several members of the DPR. Five Y20 Indonesia Co-chairs, namely Michael Victor Sianipar, Rahayu Saraswati Djojohadikusumo, Budy Sugandi, Indra Dwi Prasetyo, and Nurul Hidayatul Ummah were also present.

Michael Sianipar, who represents the Co-chair of Y20 Indonesia, said that Y20 has been going on for 10 years and this is the first time that the chairman of the DPR has welcomed him directly. It is planned that the representatives of Y20 Indonesia will be received by the leadership of the DPR at the DPR Building, the parliament complex, Senayan.

"It is an honor for young people from all over the world to be welcomed directly by Mrs. Puan and it shows the strength of Indonesia's democracy and Mrs. Puan said earlier that we are strong as a democracy and tomorrow Y20 will be accepted at the DPR building," said Michael Sianipar.

The highlight of the Y20 Summit will be held in Jakarta and Bandung on 17 to 24 July 2022 by taking four priority issues, namely digital transformation, youth employment, diversity and inclusion, as well as planetary sustainability and livability. The Y20 Summit is one of a series of the new G20 Summits that will be held in Bali on November 14-15.

After delivering her speech, Puan was then asked to take a photo with the delegates who were present at the event.