Exciting Tips For Coming To Bukit Arang Gorontalo, Sandiaga: Riding 'Jonder' Makes You Nervous

JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno encourages the development of sport tourism in Lonuo Tourism Village (Bukit Arang), Gorontalo.

"The natural beauty in Lonuo Bukit Arang Tourism Village, when combined with sport tourism, has its own sensation, this is what we must encourage to become tourist attraction data," said Sandiaga Uno in his official statement, Friday, July 15.

This tourist village, located in Tilongkabila District, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province, is included in the top 50 best tourist villages in the 2022 Indonesian Tourism Village Award (ADWI) event.

This village presents a natural charm like a country above the clouds, as well as the hills which are the only place for paragliding in Gorontalo which is in great demand by athletes. Bukit Arang is also the venue for the TROI (Trip of Indonesia) Paragliding National Championships.

Besides tourists can enjoy extraordinary natural scenery such as fog in the morning, sunset, and the beautiful view of Gorontalo City, tourists can also enjoy the camping ground in the Bukit Arang area. located at an altitude of 347 meters above sea level.

Menparekraf Sandiaga said, to go to the Bukit Arang area, tourists are advised to use special vehicles such as 'jonder', vehicles such as rice tractors.

"The road to this place is very exciting because it is iconic. So, later we will discuss with the Governor and the Regent that this is one of the attractions, which is to make you excited," said Sandiaga.

Furthermore, Sandiaga explained that Lonuo Tourism Village also has a tradition or ritual of Mopotilolo, which is a traditional ceremony to symbolize respect and pray for safety for officials visiting the village.

There is also the Dana-dana dance which is one of the traditional arts in Gorontalo Province. This dance is also called folk dance because it comes from the people of Gorontalo itself.

Sandiaga also appreciated the presence of Astra which is committed as a strategic partner of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in developing the potential of tourist villages in Indonesia, including Lonuo Tourism Village which is part of "Kampung Berseri Astra".

"With the interesting culture and traditions in Lonuo Tourism Village, I really have confidence and optimism that this Lonuo Tourism Village can perform on a national scale and in the following years it will appear on an international scale," said Sandiaga.