The Regent Of Banyumas Wants To Share Merchants In The Newly Built Sokawera Market, Don't Cheat

BANYUMAS - The Regent of Banyumas, Achmad Husein, reminded that there should be no cheating in the distribution of trading places at Sokawera Market, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, when construction has been completed.

"The location of wet and dry traders must be clearly zoning and the location of the entrance and exit is not only from the front, so that there is no gap between traders. That is very important," he said in Sokawera Village, Cilongok District, Banyumas, Antara, Thursday, July 14.

The Regent said this when giving a speech at the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the Sokawera Market which was initiated by the Sokawera Village Head Muhayat by utilizing the Village Fund program in order to empower the community's economy.

Apart from zoning traders, he said, market design which includes parking lots, air circulation, and lighting, including environmental cleanliness, must be carefully considered.

Based on the evaluation results of previous market problems, Husein asked that there be no fraud in the distribution of trading places for mutual convenience.

"Later on, the location of the traders will be drawn by lot, lest there be any entrusting them. So, the fate of the location of the trade is determined by the traders themselves," he said.

On that occasion, the Regent hoped that the Sokawera Market in the future would not only be a market that is open during the day, but also a night market.

According to him, local people can use the Sokawera Market parking lot as a culinary center at night, just like the Sweet Market in Purwokerto, Banyumas.

Meanwhile, Head of Village Sokawera Muhayat said that the market construction targeted for completion in 2023 is in line with one of the goals of the Village Fund, namely community economic empowerment.

"We are building a market that will later be able to empower community resources in Sokawera Village. In addition, it is also to increase village original income (PADes) and God willing, with this PADes later it can help the community not to depend on the central government," said Village Head Sokawera Muhayat.