BPIP Promotes Pancasila Values For World Peace

YOGYAKARTA - The Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) held a Seminar on Pancasila Series I 2022 with the theme "The Relevance of Soekarno's Speech at the United Nations in 1960 entitled to Build the World a New" as an effort to echo the values of Pancasila for world peace. BPIP Yudian Wahyudi said that BPIP seeks to echo the values of Pancasila so that it can become a reference for unity and create world peace. Bali," said Yudian Wahyudi through a written statement from BPIP related to the seminar received in Yogyakarta, Thursday, July 14. In the midst of the crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic, he said, it turns out that Indonesia is better than many things because it has gotong royong based on religious values. Today the world needs a post-pandemic revival.

"With the slogan G20, recover together, recover stronger, Indonesia once again invites the world to work together to restore a stronger and more sustainable economy after the COVID-19 pandemic," he said. Karno in his speech at the United Nations on September 30, 1960 is very relevant today. "Indonesia must offer new global leadership so that the hopes of the G20 (recover together, recover stronger), among others, by bringing the energy transition mission or a new global health architecture can be realized. ," said Andi. BPIP Djumala's Council of Experts for International Relations Strategy said that the existence of a G20 Presidency that was able to present 20 high-ranking officials from participating countries with the issue of the food crisis was the answer to the relevance of Pancasila in diplomacy. "This is called Pancasila diplomacy, strengthening multilateralism is nothing but strengthen deliberation and dialogue, those are Pancasila values. At the G20, Pancasila diplomacy was played," he said. Meanwhile, the 6th vice president of the Republic of Indonesia who is also the Deputy Chair of the BPIP Steering Committee, Gen. Ret. Try Sutrisno, advised the younger generation to have a strong and competitive national character for world change. Sutrisno hopes that youth as future leaders have a purpose in life, honesty, discipline, ethics, obeying the law, paying attention to science, technology, and being good at introspecting. Therefore, he said, Indonesia will become a great and competitive nation. Youth must also have self-respect and respect for others. "Success the G20 with the values of Pancasila," said the former Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia.