Parking Attendant Threatens Supporters To Use Machetes During The 2022 President's Cup Soccer Match

SOLO - Four times going to prison did not make Teguh Pidekso alias Bangkok (40) give up. The resident from Grogol, Sukoharjo Regency, had to go through the criminal process again after threatening his victim with a machete.

"This suspect has been a recidivist for four times in cases of abuse and violence. He was also recently released, after being entangled in violent acts in the Jalan Honggowongso area, Serengan District in 2021," explained the Solo Police Chief, Kombes Pol Ade Safri Simanjuntak, in a written statement, Wednesday. , July 13.

This incident began when the suspect was guarding parking in the Jalan Minister Supeno area, Banjarsari District, precisely on the north side of the Solo Manahan Stadium. At that time, there was the holding of the President's Cup which brought together League 1 teams.

However, while guarding the motorbike parking lot, the suspect had a clash with one of the supporters who had parked his vehicle.

"In fact, the suspect at that time also threatened the victim using a machete he brought from home. The machete was hidden in the seat of his motorbike," explained Ade.

Luckily, when the incident occurred there were officers from the Solo Police patrolling the area.

"The suspect who acted was immediately secured by officers in the area. The following is evidence in the form of a sharp weapon of the type of machete he was carrying," said Ade.

Apart from arresting the suspect, the officers also secured other evidence including the victim's clothes and clothes.

As a result of his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 2 paragraph 1 concerning the Indonesian Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951 related to possession of sharp weapons with a maximum penalty of eight years in prison.

Captions,1. The suspect was detained at the Solo Police Headquarters. 2. The Solo Police Chief, Pol. Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak (center) shows evidence of a sharp weapon of the type of machete.