Increasing Public Satisfaction With The DPR, Observers Say Can't Be Apart From The Role Of Puan Maharani

JAKARTA - The latest Indonesian Political Indicators Survey shows the level of public satisfaction with the DPR is increasing. The increase in satisfaction with the people's representative institution was also assessed thanks to the leadership of Puan Maharani as the Chair of the DPR.

"The indicator survey shows clearly that there is an increase in public trust in the DPR," said a lecturer at the Faculty of Communication at Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN), Silvanus Alvin, Tuesday, July 12.

The results of the Indonesian Political Indicators survey conducted in June 2022 showed an increase in public satisfaction with the DPR by 7.3 percent. If in April the level of public satisfaction with the DPR was 55.3 percent, in June 2022 it rose to 62.6 percent.

"This means that there is an increase of more than 7 percent and this must be appreciated," said Alvin.

The Masters graduate from the University of Leicester, England, assessed that increasing public satisfaction with the DPR must be seen from two sides. First, said Alvin, that there is an effort from the DPR to hear and absorb the aspirations of the people and produce pro-people products.

"Secondly, the increase means that the public also feels the DPR's efforts to improve," he said.

According to Alvin, gaining public trust is not an easy matter, especially for policy-making institutions. Public trust is also a continuous process.

"Of course, these efforts cannot be separated from the role of Puan as Chair of the DPR," said Alvin.

This lecturer at the Distance Learning Study Program at UMN highlighted Puan's big role in overseeing Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence (TPKS), which the public had been waiting for a long time.

Alvin also said that Puan's support for the Maternal and Child Welfare Bill (RUU KIA) was one of the factors in increasing public satisfaction with the DPR.

"This shows the political will of the DPR leadership to answer the people's problems," he said.

In addition, Alvin added, other DPR leaders also demonstrated pro-people verbal and non-verbal communication. Not to mention the form of supervision carried out by members of the DPR regarding strategic issues and budget support for handling the Covid-19 pandemic.

“For example, when there are aspirations from students, DPR leaders are willing to meet, accept, and listen. Of course, other board members will also participate through their performance in the fields of legislation, supervision, and budgeting,” said Alvin.

Although there is still work to be done, it is believed that the DPR will continue to gain the public's trust when the members of the council are increasingly showing their populist performance. Alvin considered that the recent solidity of the members of the council and good cooperation with the government contributed to increasing public satisfaction with the DPR.

"The DPR's efforts to improve and try to be better will certainly have implications for increasing public trust," concluded the Political Communication Expert.