Visit Three Projects Funded By State Sukuk In Yogyakarta, Deputy Minister Of Finance Suahasil: If You Wait For Tax Money, Maybe You Haven't Built It Now

JAKARTA - State Sharia Securities (SBSN) or State Sukuk, continue to be an alternative for financing infrastructure projects. From several publications made by the government, State Sukuk flowed to several projects in Yogyakarta.

As stated by Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara when visiting Yogyakarta on July 7-8 2022. On that occasion, Suahasil explained, to meet the great need for infrastructure development for all people in Indonesia, SBSN financing is a reliable creative financing.

“If we wait until the tax money can be collected, then maybe we haven't woken up yet. But because we issue SBSN, we get money from investors now, we are building now. So that we can carry out development at this time and of course later it will provide maximum benefits for the community," said Suahasil in his statement, quoted on Tuesday, July 12.

Suahasil detailed that the APBN allocation for financing infrastructure projects through SBSN began in 2013. Until this year, the realization reached Rp. 175.38 trillion, to build 4247 projects in 13 K/L spread across 34 provinces.

Meanwhile, the allocation of Project SBSN for DIY Province, began to be implemented in 2015. The total allocation of Project SBSN in DIY from 2015 to 2022 has reached IDR 2.6 trillion.

According to Suahasil, the SBSN allocation for DIY continues to increase from Rp10 billion in 2015 to Rp430.6 billion in 2022. The projects built in 2022 consist of 14 projects in 3 K/L namely the Ministry of PUPR, Ministry of Religion, and Ministry of Defense.

During the visit, Suahasil also participated in inaugurating asset markers in three projects financed by SBSN. Among them, the construction of the Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) airport railway line, the YIA Airport underpass, and the construction of the north building of FEBI UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.