Case Of MSAT Obscenity Alias Mas Bechi Don't Give Immaj The Persons Characters Have Implementity

JAKARTA - Komnas Perempuan asked the police to move quickly in handling cases of sexual violence that occurred against five female students at the Shiddiqiyah Ploso Islamic Boarding School, Jombang Regency, East Java.

"Sexual violence that occurred against female students in Jombang increased the number of victims of sexual violence in religious-based education institutions. Komnas Perempuan condemned this incident, especially the long and long process of legal proceedings that did not go smoothly," said Chairman of the Sub-Commission of Community Participation of the National Women Commission, Veryanto Sitohang, when confirmed in Jakarta, Friday, July 8, quoted from Antara.

He said the police must act quickly so as not to cause opinions of perpetrators of sexual violence against the background of community leaders to escape the snares of the law.

"This will form an image as if the suspect of sexual violence has received impunity, let alone has a family background from a figure or elite," he said.

Komnas Perempuan also urges law enforcement officials to immediately take law enforcement actions so that similar incidents do not happen again and victims receive protection.

The police must also not be negligent, neglectful and slow to enforce the law as a form of protection against women and society.

However, he believes that the police will process cases of sexual violence in a professional manner and convince the public that their rights will be protected by the state.

"We hope that the next effort can run well so that people believe in law enforcement institutions," said Sihotang.

Komnas Perempuan from the start has received a complaint against this case and will oversee the legal process against this case to completion.

"Komnas perempuan bekerja sesuai instruktunya, mengawal proses penegakan hukum dan terus berlagi dengan lembaga pendamping korban. Kita berharap bahwa korban juga mendapatkan hak-haknya sebagaimana diatur dalam UU Tindak Peretasan Kekerasan Seksual," tuturnya.

The case involved Moch Subchi Azal Tsani (MSAT), alias Mas Bechi, the son of Kiai M Muchtar Mu'this is the leader of Ponpes Shiddiqiyyah. MSAT, the DPO of the obscenity suspect, had surrendered early Friday, July 8th.

Quoting from its official website, Ponpes Shiddiqiyyah diantis kiai M Muchtar Mu'thi in 1959. Initially the kiai who was a madrasa teacher in Lamongan decided to become a teacher of Thoriqoh Shidddiqiyayah science in Losari Ploso Jombang Village.

The decision was taken by Muchtar Mu'thi after getting Thoriqoh's knowledge from his teacher, Sheikh Ahmad Syuaib Jamali Al Banteni.

Since then, Thoriqoh's knowledge which is closely related to Ponpes Shiddiqiyyah has expanded. Spread to various corners of Indonesia to Malaysia.

The Ponpes whose full name is the Majma'al Bahrain Hubbul Wathan Minal Iman Shiddiqiyayah Islamic Boarding School has also been registered in line with the issuance of letter number R-1448/I/5.1.1./5/1973 by the Prosecutor's Office on June 30 1973. Cases of sexual violence in Islamic boarding schools also occurred in Bandung, West Java, against 13 female students. The defendant in the rape case, Herry Wiarawan, was finally sentenced to death by the Bandung High Court.