The Husband Of Andi Merya, The Defendant Of The East Kalimantan Regent, Claims To Be A Setoran 'Serious Funds' Let The Liquid PEN Fund

JAKARTA - Witness and husband of Andi Merya, the accused inactive regent of East Kolaka, Mujeri said, there is a need to deposit'serious funds' so that the national economic recovery loan (PEN) for the district is disbursed.This was said by Mujeri when the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Asril confirmed who stated that there was a serious money worth Rp. 2 billion for the disbursement of PEN funds in East Kolaka Regency."In the Minutes of Investigation (BAP) 19, you said 'The Rp2 billion money that Andi Merya handed over to Anto Emba through Syahril was as money for the seriousness of the East Kolaka PEN loan so that it could be processed'. This means that if the East Kolaka party does not submit the funds, then the PEN loan will not be processed by the Director General (Bina Keuangan Daerah) in Jakarta? Who did this convey?" asked Asril at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor), Antara, Thursday, July 7.Mujeri replied to the statement made by Andi Merya. "That's what Andi Merya spoke about," he replied.In the trial related to the case, Mujeri was a witness for two defendants, namely the former Director General of Regional Finance at the Ministry of Home Affairs Mochamad Ardian Noervianto and the Head of the Environment Service of Muna Regency La Ode M. Syukur Akbar.Ardian was charged with receiving a bribe of Rp. 1.5 billion, while Syukur Akbar was charged with receiving a bribe of Rp. 175 million from Andi Merya and LM Rusdianto Emba (Anto) regarding the approval of PEN loan funds for East Kolaka Regency in 2021."Actually, I don't understand what money is for. Anto likes to communicate with Mrs. (Andi Merya)," continued Mujeri.Anto or Rusdianto Emba is an entrepreneur who is also the younger brother of the Regent of Muna, Southeast Sulawesi, LM Rusman Emba."Mother only said that in order to be able to build a region, we have to find a program-based loan, because we continue to demonstrate from end to end. I said yes, that's fine, just arrange it," he added.Mujeri also admitted that his wife often told him that she wanted to find funds for the development of her area."PEN hasn't told me yet, it's just the story 'I have to build all regions, I build roads because this is where I live'. That's what Mother said," he said.Selanjutnya, JPU mengonfirmasi terkait pinjaman uang sebesar Rp500 juta pada Juli 2021 untuk kelancaran pengurusan dana pinjaman PEN."In BAP 8, you said 'I can explain that my wife borrowed Rp500 million in July 2021 and the possible allocation to increase the management of the East Kalimantan PEN loan'. That's true?" asked the Prosecutor."That's the second fund," replied Mujeri."Which one is the first?" asked the prosecutor again."The same Mr. Syahrir is Rp. 1.5 billion. So, there are two times. Second, I asked my mother-in-law to lend it. Then, I met my father and first lent Rp500 million. But the total sent was Rp2 billion," explained Mujeri.The indictment states that the defendant Ardian Noervianto conveyed to La Ode Syukur that the East Kolaka PEN loan application be approved.At Ardian's request, on June 10, 2021, La Ode Syukur and Sukarman Loke met at the Ministry of Home Affairs. During the meeting, Ardian asked La Ode Syukur for a fee of 1 percent.Furthermore, Andi Merya asked Muchri Muchlis, Andi Merya's husband, to transfer Rp2 billion in stages, namely on June 11 and June 16, 2021 to Bank Mandiri's account on behalf of LM Rusdianto Emba to be handed over to Ardian through La Ode Syukur and Sukarman Loke.For the application for a PEN loan from the East Kolaka Regency Government, Ardian gave priority by discussing the proposal in a technical coordination meeting between PT SMI, East Kolaka Regency Government, Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Home Affairs. As a result, East Kolaka Regency received a PEN loan of Rp. 151 billion.