The Final Draft Has Been Delivered By The Government, The RKUHP Wasn't Ratified During The Plenary Meeting Of The Closing Of The Session Of The DPR RI

JAKARTA - The latest draft of the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) has been submitted by the government to Commission III of the DPR RI today, Wednesday, July 6.

Even so, this draft will not be ratified at the closing plenary session of the DPR RI session on Thursday, July 7.

"Oh, no (the RKUHP is ratified tomorrow, ed)," said Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, July 6.

The final draft of the RKUHP coincides with the draft of the Correctional Law (RUU PAS). Both are carry-over bills.

Returning to Edward, he explained that today's meeting with Commission III of the DPR RI resulted in only three points. First, the government has submitted the revision of the RKUHP to the Law Commission.

Second, the factions in Commission III of the DPR RI will revisit the refinement of the RKUHP draft from the government.

"Third, the government and the DPR RI will look at the articles, especially the 14 crucial issues that have been controversial," said Eddy.

Furthermore, Edward said the government did not give a target when the bill should be passed. Although the RKUHP is included in the 2022 Priority National Legislation Program (Prolegnas), Eddy believes there is still time to ratify the legislation.

"What is clear is that he will enter Prolegnas 2022, until December 31, 2022. There is still time," said Eddy.

Similarly, Member of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives Arsul Sani also said that it is very likely that the Indonesian House of Representatives will not ratify the RKUHP tomorrow. According to him, parliament is still opening its ears to hear public aspirations.

"I don't think the RKUHP will be ratified during this trial," said Arsul.

To note, there are 14 crucial issues that underlie the improvement of the RKUHP. These include living law, capital punishment, the dignity of the president/vice president, witchcraft, dentists, poultry destroying yards, contempt of court, fraudulent advocates, blasphemy, animal abuse, contraception, homelessness, abortion, and crimes of decency and morality. against the body.

From the results of improvements made by the government, there were several points that were deleted including those related to dentists and fraudulent advocates. In addition, several new points were added, namely regarding storage, publishing and printing.