Puan Hopes Soekarno Street Area Can Be A Blessing For Purwokerto Residents

JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, inaugurated the Jalan Soekarno area in Purwokerto, Central Java. In addition to roads, the Bung Karno area in the capital city of Banyumas contains a number of facilities and infrastructure.

"The Jalan Soekarno area which bears the name of the Father of our Nation may be a blessing and pride for the people of Purwokerto," said Puan, Wednesday, July 6 in a written statement.

The Bung Karno area is located on an area of 50 hectares consisting of Jalan Soekarno which connects Jalan Jenderal Soedirman and Jalan Gerilya. Then there is also a Purwokerto viewing tower called the Lotus Tower, the Putera Sang Fajar Convention Hall, the Madhang Maning Park culinary area, and the Proclaimer Bridge.

"Bung Karno is known by various titles as Proclaimer, as the first president of the Republic of Indonesia, digger Pancasila, as the Father of the Nation, and also as a reliable architect," said Puan.

Puan then mentioned the role of her grandfather who succeeded in building various Indonesian icons, starting from the National Monument, the Indonesian Parliament Building, to the Istiqlal Mosque. Puan reminded that Bung Karno was known as an architect who received international recognition.

"Not because he built many buildings physically, but because there were big ideas, there was a great spirit that Bung Karno wanted to embody by building various architectural icons," he said.

Therefore, Puan hopes that if there is a building, building or area that uses Bung Karno's name, it must be ensured that it also has a big idea of nationality that you want to raise. Of course, this includes the Bung Karno area of Purwokerto, which must have big ideas for the welfare of the people.

"For example, with Madhang Maning Park, which is a building for a culinary center that can accommodate 24 culinary stands, this is not just a place to sell but must be a place to celebrate the culinary riches of the archipelago," said Puan.

"You can see the Mustika Rasa book, which at that time Bung Karno initiated the collection of various culinary recipes from various regions and made them into one Mustika Rasa book. This could be a big idea that animates the culinary center in the Jalan Bung Karno area, Purwokerto, Banyumas," added the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

That way, Puan hopes that people who come or pass through this area can understand Bung Karno's ideas and thoughts. "And continue the struggle of Bung Karno," said Puan. After inaugurating the Bung Karno area, Puan signed the Lotus Tower inscription, the Putera Sang Fajar Convention Hall, the Madhang Maning Park culinary area, and the Proclaimer Bridge. He also inspected the lookout tower.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Banyumas Achmad Husein said the Bung Karno area was built using the National Economic Recovery Program (PEN) funds. He also explained the reasons for choosing the name Bung Karno.

"Because the people of Banyumas want to thank Bung Karno and his family for his services. At the Proclaimer Bridge when the night is beautiful, there are lights," explained Achmad Husein.

In this area there is also a very tall and large statue of Bung Karno. The bronze statue is the work of artist I Nyoman Nuarta who has also made many famous statues in Indonesia.

The 114-meter-tall Lotus Tower was built to increase PAD (regional original income) from tourist tickets costing Rp. 25 thousand/person. Achmad Husein said, the Bung Karno area will become a new tourist icon in Banyumas, considering that it has just opened in a day the average visitor has reached 1,000 people.

"Later here there will be a lake named Lake Fatmawati. Then 2 hectares of flower gardens will also be built, whose names will also be related to Bung Karno," he explained.

The Banyumas Regency Government will also build a place of worship for all religions in the Bung Karno area. Then it is planned that a new Banyumas DPRD building will also be located in this complex.